So I was just playing some Hearthstone, using Murlocs for the Battlegrounds. Then I thought, has there ever been a Murloc themed raid in WoW?
There are many different kinds of Murlocs. At least 1 new kind in each expansion. And they never stop coming. There’s always murlocs, no matter where you are. When there’s one murloc, there’s always a dozen after.
Since we’re going into the Shadowlands, I have a feeling we’ll be seeing A LOT OF murloc spirits of those the Heroes of Azeroth has slain.
So for this Raid, its the Murlocs seeking Revenge!
Which murlocs? … … … All of them.
There isn’t even a Raid Boss, its all just overwhelming waves after waves of murlocs! They do not stop coming.
The only Boss is the last murloc who appears after if you defeat all the murlocs. It’s a One hit KO. (Just kick the murloc.)
And That is my idea for a Murloc Raid… … …
Yes, this is stoopid.
This has now got me thinking about the idea of a murloc dungeon with big elaborate scenery and murlocs in outlandish costumes complete with cut scenes and long serious sections of dialogue…
of course nobody would ever understand what was going on and Blizzard would never explain!
I mean murlocs are generally considered weak. They’re pests. Unless some outside influence turns them into more scary beings (see demon murlocs in legion), they’re generally considered something for rookie adventurers.
It’d be kind of hard to work that into a max level raid.
On the other hand, a raid where everyone gets put into a murloc and gets to steer their very own version of Murky doesn’t seem too far fetched, tbh.
Edit: Also not too sure how organised efforts from murloc tribes would look like to make it into a raid. Are different murloc tribes friendly with each other?
My original idea would be more of the afterlife Murlocs in the Shadow Lands. They all come together to vow revenge on all the adventurers who has slaughtered them all those years. XD
Nope. It will always be 10 levels higher then the Raid. LOL