First of all, sorry for any grammar issues here but English is not my first speech.
So where to start? Probably from the “issue” here: the “Warfront Elite” set is almost impossible to complete unless you have an alt army that all of them use the same type of armor, or you have a burst of luck each warfront cycle.
For anyone who don’t know, let me explain: the Warfronts pieces comes with 2 types of models (3 for the Arathi one), the T1 and T2 are the regular ones you can earn by winning the Warfront any time you want, or by farming the Warfront rare NPCs; the Arathi T1 items resemble the crafted ones, the T2 resemble the regular S1 Gladiator items model, both coming with different colors (Craft, Warfront and Gladiator). Darkshore regular items comes only with one model instead of two, wich i will call T2 for semplicity (cause i’ll name the next set T3 for both Arathi and Darkshore), and yes, as you can imagine, it resembles the S2 Gladiator.
Now, all of you know that each Warfront cycle it spawn a quest that award you a Warfront item, these items make part of the T3 set, or “Warfront Elite” if you will, wich resemble the Elite PvP gear, just with different colors, this set, as the Elite PvP one, is more detailed than the T1 / T2, and you can get only one of them per Warfront cycle, randomly chosen from the chest you can get from the quest.
If you like trasmog like me and many others, you know how many weeks you could need to get a single trasmog item from an old raid, and i’m pretty sure you can now recognize the “problem” here: being the nature of the source of this items completely RNG, it could take MUCH longer to get the item you want compared to farming an old raid, and the more items you get, the more will be hard to complete the set / get the piece you want, and ot eventually becomes nearly impossible to complete them.
For some it could seems the same as farming an old raid for a specific piece, but it’s not, it’s similar, but potentially much harder to get the Warfront one: they both have one source (2 for raid if it’s an off-set piece and you’re in the right class to get the tier too), both have a weekly lockout (2 weeks for the Warfront for now), but the main difference here is that in raids you can “target” the needed piece, knowing wich boss drop it, for the Warfront piece, in other hand, it’s not possible being the random nature of the cache you get.
The hirony here is: the PvP Elite version of it, wich is born to be something with a medium prestige, it’s easier to get.
So, two solutions comes to my mind right now:
replace the basic model of the item you get from the Faction Incursion final scenario chest with the T3 / Warfront Elite one, by doing this it gives players some bonus shots to get these items, and in the meanwhile it could even incentivate peoples to partecipate into these even further. But i’m not sure if this is the right decision in case there will not be more Incursions in the future, right now you can only get the Arathi Warfront models from this feature so if it doesn continue it could be good only for the Arathi T3. Adding all the items from the different Warfront (present and future) into a single Incursion cache could even get worse.
Adding them as the farmable rewards for each win into the Heroic Warfronts, wich are labeled for the patch 8.2 Rise of Azshara; and i know that when you add a new zone, you prefere to incentivate players to explore it instead of seeing them sitting inside older content, but still the Heroic mode Warfront is a feature that will eventually come, and it will need an appropriate reward, i believe that the T3 version of the items could incentive players to try them, even if the items they will get could not be the best upgrade in ilv / stats.
With these changes, faeming these set could become easer, and more allineated with the time you need to farm a set from an old raid: yes would still be random, yes you couldn’t farm them 24/24h, you can’t target them (a thing you CAN do in older raids), but you can get more try to get them (a thing you CAN’T do in older raids), i think is fair enough.
T.L.D.R. the Warfront Elite set is nearly impossible to complete; due to the RNG nature of the one-time-quest per Warfront cycle cache, the more pieces you will found, the more it will be difficoult (you will get more copies of the items), so to make it easier: upgrade the model of the invasion items we get in the final scenario of the Faction Invasion with the Warfront Elite one, OR add them as the guaranteed items from each win for the Heroic mode Warfront flagged to come with the patch 8.2 Rise of Azshara.