Ideas I would like to see played with for TWW warrior:

A simple post with some things I would love to see played with of ideas for TWW:

General talent tree fixes:

  1. Swap the position of Rallying Cry and Shockwave, reason:
  • Currently shockwave and thunderclap block the road from bellow up to reinforced plates.

  • Players complain about minor things, this is a minor thing that would would make them happy. Skyhold minor complaint and fix number 3201.

  • Makes sure to allow raiders and M+ players to pick the talents as needed, but not crash with DPS output (the alpha and omega), while very minor it removes a lot of hyperfocused headaches.

Fury ability and talents:

  1. Do something about Deft Experience and Odyn’s Fury current situation.
  • Currently deft experience is uninspired and pointless. Even if 4 more enrages done by a 100 bloodthirsts in mathematically theoretically in a blizzfull scenario useful… it is just feels bad and looks bad to take.
  • As Odyn’s Fury is isolated and locked away by 2 points of no synergy into the corner and hidden away, it needs something to shine through. Not to gather dust and be forgotten.
  • To make it unique and not get into another Titan’s Torment situation, creating two forced sync or dead talents - I highly recommend just allowing the button to be the powerful option in itself.
  1. Odyn’s Fury doing Lava damage, reason:
  • Fire Effects looks cool.
  • Lava (Fire/Physical), would increase its damage profile.
  • Opens up a “theme” based on Odyn’s in that row.
  1. Blood Thirst, based on the one above, with deft experience (renamed), now does lava damage.
  • Fire effects look cool.
  • Opens up for a unique effect on how BT scales during the expansion.
  • Makes BT and RB even more different.
  1. Blood Thirst now hits with the offhand as well, reason:
  • Would allow the button to do more damage and have higher value on press.
  • It would make CSHB feels more consistent with the double chance to proc it.
  • QoL value and looks cooler B)

More is to come, to be edited in. If you got any cool ideas of your own, feel free to slam them into here. Lets keep it civil and not bash on eachother, just have fun with some ideas! :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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wouldnt mind more abilities that utilize lightning

we got thunderclap and bolt so how about a thunderstrike thats a big swing that does lightning damage and/or in a cone behind the target

added bonus maybe it could slow enemy attack speed like thunderfury used to do or something but less strong to avoid warrior is meta :sweat_smile:

heroic leap infused with lightning could be awesome as well, think infinity war Thor after arriving in wakanda when he does that leap

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There are a lot of stormstrike theme already in Mountain Thane. The Fire Theme would perhaps crash visually with that - or it could work to enhance the warrior experience. Hard to know without seeing it in action.

Bloodthirst and RB question is always something. They are kind of fighting for the same role in the rotation, yet - RB normally comes out on top just doing more damage (as BT also heals, probably). So BT is forgotten.

With the lefthand side of the tree being around BT, bleeds and OF (that also got a bleed), perhaps double down on that theme. Something like BT doing more damage while target is affected by your bleeds - or perhaps you do more damage with all your enraged abilities crits (as crit is also a theme).

Would help double down on the last row as well. As OF is burst and bleed, so having things build up that and on it could be neat. Synergy within the whole line as a whole. Especially since Rav/AM/OS and all those got their own little club of relations. Leaving Odyn’s Fury cold and alone.

Ngl, it would look really cool and should at least be made into a glyph :dracthyr_nod:

Kind of feel like… You may as well play Shaman. I play Prot Warrior because, I’m a big dude with a big shield that can shrug off damage while absolutely annihilating your face with that big shield.

Really unimpressed with the hero talents (colossus sounds interesting but, I think Mountain Thane will end up being the “minmaxxy” best).

Both trees available have the most boring utility options in exsistence. They need to stop tiptoeing around it… Give us bloodlust. No one is thinking “Hmm… Warrior has two group stuns, that’s much better than this Prot Paladin who can interrupt every mob with 4 - 6 seconds of downtime.” or “Oh, I’d really love this Prot Warrior that has a knock up (shockwave, hero talent) instead of that stinky VDH who can AoE silence and AoE stun.” what about “Ah, get the Prot Warrior mate! He’s got challenging shout, silence the mobs, nevermind that DK who can create the perfect deathball and negate that tricky bosses mechanic with AMS and is pretty hands off healing wise”.

I’m definitely moaning here but, when you nerf us 3 weeks into Dragonflight and then we sit at the bottom of the table the entire expansion it’s getting old. I dropped my BELOVED Prot Warrior on Mythic Tindral because it was that absolutely miserable with all the magic damage… That’s also getting old.

Thanks for reading my whinge.

I don’t play fury really, but I play alot of arms and prot, so I can only really coment on the Rallying cry thing. I was sure you always picked up thunderclap but looking at the current fury builds on wowhead it seems like no. I do think swapping them might work but tbh if the 10% armor, which it is now after the nerf, is that big for fury output I think incentivising taking an AOE stop isnt the worst. I do think it makes sense that Shockwave and thunderclap stay close together in the tree as they are tied together both by theme and the new Mountain Thane.
Also I don’t think you miss out on anything by having to take shockwave for example. Before unlocking the last rows of your class tree you basically pick between shockwave and Reinforced plates, or two utilities. You wont lose any damage as I can see it.

That’s just what I’ve felt playing around with the tree tho, but for me as arms/prot taking thunderclap is always there so I’m all good.

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