Idol Of C´Thun

Currently playing Shadow Priest and the talent Idol of C´thun seems bugged or maybe it works as intended.

The void tendrils it spawns seems to prefer to ninja pull everything it gets close to. Anyone else have this problem?

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Yes. I have this problem too

It’s a known issue which blizzard is aware of

After checking some posts, also according to my own experience, at least for m+, only in HOI some ninja pulls can happen.

Its a bug that makes them giving their own mind coding has gone bad.

23rd of August:

  • Fixed an issue causing Void Tendrils from Idol of C’Thun to attack enemies not in combat with the Priest.

Still bugged, pulling even critters.

Its blizzards storage of spells they can’t fix them just give back mind sear.

Gotta say that the main issue is fixed, but its still clunky as hell. Especialy around neutral mobs etc. If you have lasher our and something get pulled or is in combat it isntantly sends the sear on that mob and pulls everything in range. They shouldnt touch or tab target to mobs that you didnt touch. Imho.

yep still bugged.,

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