If can Annoy = NERF!

When Blizzard smells something they can nerf to annoy players with, they’re on top of it straight away, fixed within a minute! However, when it comes to other issues it takes a far longer response time.

Almost 2 weeks after launch, the atrocious scaling issues have not been fixed as of yet completely.

Just did a HC scenario as level 27 DH, together with a 69 DH and 63 Priest… The 69 DH got one-shot by every mob and mechanic in the place. The 63 priest got hit for 33-50% of his health, whereas the same stuff hit me for like 5-10% of my health.

… and with these atrocious scaling issues it’s strange people find the best farms to overcome these glaring issues?

I somewhat disagree. The frog problem stayed for a bit which is what caused all this fuss about it. If it was addressed quickly and it wouldn’t have been a big deal.

Play as intended and it works properly too.

Getting oneshot is a rite of passage we all went through. I can assure you it stops happening quickly.


Flying under the radar, how dubious that may sound from the developers that made this same content 12+ years ago is not the same as not quickly acting. As soon as they became aware it was fixed within a day.

That mount that you couldn’t learn? Took a week?
The scaling issues? Still not fixed (entirely) after two weeks.
Store issues? Fixed within the same hour as they are notified.

Or you simply don’t accept oversights like this from a company that you’ve financially supported for 10+ years?

because there was a world first race going on and Blizzard didn’t want to stop the race by nerfing the racers’ cloaks.

Don’t mistake yourselves; the top 0.1% of players are still being catered to.