Atleast disable cross realm phasing so pve servers and PVP servers cant phase into the rp shards completley. Objectivley speaking atleast then it can be re-evaluated and the complaining about this lack of “horde” can be relevant finally.
Cause currently all I’m hearing is noise and seeing alot of horde whether its from RP servers or realms which I’m supposedly not meant to be connected with. Its so much easier for me to obtain the assassin buff than finish the N’zoth quest simply cause of the sheer number of horde parties farming for assassin themselves.
If they’re going to make such a big fuss about WM bonuses not applying to them, then maybe its best blizzard just does that. Cause we all know that the bonus provided is based off a ingame tracked statistic anyway yet people still seem to think that the WM difference on RP realms is outrageously substantially different. (i’d beg to differ, but im alliance scum so im not entitled to such input (: )
cause this is the part of the game they’re clearly not seeing Images for reference < horde dominated uldums.
But atleast then they can legitimatley gloat about being a minority, finally.
And realistically thats probably a easier fix than anything else that comes to mind off the tip of a hat.
Obviously thats just one segment but the fact they’re grouped and the alliance never is, tends to be indication of intent of how many alliance players are actually there for the PVP. I wouldn’t mind the bonus being removed personally but the big zergs would still exist, and currently rogue is simply too support oriented to make solo game play interesting.
Then communities will have to be forced either normal or RP as well. Or just allow both types as community members but can’t see each other. Ye I see no problems there
Oh I know but thats basically what their making the situation out to be, look at any of the threads, albeit even I admit to having low rolled my luck in W-pvp(And moaned about it too.) But that would have to be the situation to have the alliance legitly out populating the horde in something. I don’t want it but at the same time I wouldn’t lose sleep over it cause it would atleast crack down on the number of savages who can phase in from Alternate regions to goon me for their daily bounty
You’ve just made this thread on the same topic as many already open threads, why? Not only that but you’re posting your -same- opinion over and over again. We get it, you disagree with most of us. It doesn’t mean your right, your opinion is clearly wrong and all the evidence suggests that.
Also by the tone you’re taking with your series of posts over the last few days it’s obvious it’s a big deal for you. You keep bigging yourself up, slapping yourself on the back and it isn’t a good look. You play on shards that clearly give you the overwhelming advantage by the sheer volume of Alliance players to Horde, I can only guess it’s affecting your pride or something?
Hold on hold on, you make the argument that it’s annoying horde complain about being outnumbered in RP shards and you think the solution to that is to make it even worse for horde by barring all players outside of RP from sharding with you? Were you dropped on the head as a child or something? For every horde player on RP servers that can bring in outside help, there are 2.5 times as many alliance on RP realms who can do the same. So your attempt at logic has failed. Face it, you play on easy mode. If you can’t handle the fact that you’re patting yourself on the back and denying you have an advantage go roll on another realm where you actually know what a real challenge is. If you are struggling when you have a 2.5x advantage god knows how you would survive outside of RP shards. Lmao.