If i had a flower

Mhm , i saw it at your answer. XD

Pathetic. Thanks for laugh


Thanks for your comment.

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I guess you live in big garden already then :slight_smile:


Kew Gardens would be envious!

Maybe if it’s the constant topic of discussion, maybe, JUST MAYBE it’s a problem

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If it is not topic of discussion, then what is the thing that attracts you here? Are


those endless things ‘‘constant topic of discussion’’?

What does this mean? google translate broke trying to deceiver your comment

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Imagine trashtalking other people for their in-game activity while posting from a level 27 classic character with a private profile. Almost as if you aren’t a big fan of the taste of your own medicine.


Said toxic forum troll who often trash-talks others in-game activities.

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That’s not the important point of my post but OK. I don’t care if people wanna trashtalk, but don’t hide behind classic alts while doing it.

Also show me the last time I trashtalked someone for what they do in-game, please. If I do it often it shouldn’t be hard to find. My profile is public after all so you can see my posting history.

Lmao hahahha

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I know everything
Everything you do
Everywhere you go
Everyone you knowwww

I am a spy
In the house of love

…did you forget to take your meds today?

don’t you just love it when people take their hatred towards certain posters so seriously that is spreads in every thread time and time again.?

at this point holysteel just needs to breath in a thread to cause drama.

you guys make it too easy for them.

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He has a habit of telling people they have mental illness and admits to being a troll as he finds it fun so you have to admit when they say and do things like that it is hard to like them or take them serious.


i’ll be honest…

i just don’t read what they say most the time…

Oh hey dae!
You are alive!

Nice to see you again😊


Oh the iconic, if I had a flower, is back!

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If I had a flower for every tier set topic made, I could make 2 crowns for each forum regular. :tulip: :crown:

1 will do for me, thanks. The silver one from Opulence. Danke :+1:t2:

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