Weekend is here again ♥️

Hey all beautiful people! One more week has bypassed and hopefully have we learned something new and meet some new people that bring joy to our life.

I did create my very first horde character since the start on my WoW era in 2005 and I did have a blast all the way from 1-60, I meet many fun people, cows, poodle?, undead, orc and many more. Very much fun indeed and zug, zug! You should try horde too if you haven’t, I mean 14 sec Q for dungeons as healer. WoW felt alive and amazing.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend with love and joy and please take some time to tell other that you like them, sometimes people just need a few nice words or a hug to muster the strength to fight on.

Peace and love! Ozgool the lightbringer out (mic drop)!

P.S don’t forget to cuddle with some cats (or dogs), it makes everything a bit easier in life :heart:


Looks at thread, remembers I work retail as delivery driver clocking an average of 200 miles a day weekends…

But I’ll take your advice on hugging a dog.



Retail too - please tell me what this mythical thing called a ‘weekend’ is …

No! Think of the corona!


I know exactly how it feels I did work at the ICU as a nurse about 10 years and I did work almost all weekend plus all holidays around 6 day week. It was awful for my health. I did change my master to economic and feel much better new. Better pay, better health and I can sleep once more.

But it helps to hug the dogs or cats :heart:

I’m done with that for now, did think of it every darn day in 2 years! At least here in Sweden we don’t see Covid-19 as a pandemic any more.

So for now I hug my loved ones! :slight_smile:

I will keep using the excuse as long as I can to avoid having to do this…

You don’t have to hug them. Just show them that you care. It don’t have to be your birth family, it can be coworker, friends, co-gamers if you like someone show it somehow! :slight_smile:

I know and I do. Just saying I was very happy with the social distance rule :rofl:

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No! Think of Cure Disease!

hugs both

:nauseated_face: get awaaaay

I’m willing to take the risk willingly! :hugs:


All people in Sweden be like this. When the government did say you have to be 1 meter away from others we did answer them; WHAT can’t we have our regular 3 meter anymore? :sweat_smile::joy:


Sure but I prefer Tennants personally. Now shurrup and cmere for a hug!! hughughug??!!!

I am not afraid to cripple you so you can’t escape

oi!! Gerrof! I SAW HER FIRST! You wanna fight about it??!!?? We can take this outside to the mudpit!

Standard procedure for a country whose idea of “cuisine” is tins of fermented fish…


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