If strict lore isn't a thing anymore and a 600 pound Tauren can be a Rogue in DF, why can't DH be more races?

Yes,a cow with wings.More stupid ideas pls.What about gnome-evokers ? You guys make the game a circus !

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Spread Tauren Demon Hunters love. :cow:

No more races for Dh ! If you don’t like being an Elf/Belf Dh then change class,period.
End of discussion!


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a Tauren should be able to glide.

Speaking of gliding.

Aren’t the Dracthyr gonna be able to fly or something?

Shouldn’t our glide get an upgrade? Feels like it falls too fast.

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Make an application to Blizzard and jump on to the team to balance this nonsense already, so how about no?

While there are many purists here, i’ll jump in with a compromise, Void Elves, and Nightborne, should since Nightborne is skinny nelf model, and Voidelf is just copy paste void elf model, being able to be DH would greatly benefit both races, additionally, Nightborne right now are very underplayed, and have too little customization options,
Nightborne passive is the only one that actually would make a melee stronger, and thats DH, cause with new talents more than 50% of our dmg is magic, its only a few clicks and autos thats physical, void elves i wont comment should be no brainer for most.
Outside of these 2 tho, I see no other race that should or could or is worth the effort to do it for, honestly. Atleast these 2 would not be too hard for Blizzard, and could have a somewhat decent story reason, Velfs = Learned it from nelfs or was DH before trying some void crack, (unique Void dh looks big bonus) and For Nightborne they learned it from Illidan and the Illidari during legion to help defend Suramar, DOH??? also big bonus few special wings/ meta/ skin scars with Arcane theme.

i think the reason is quite simple there is no need now, it can be used as content for free like they did with DK’s when that will make sense.

I’m far more salty DH cant just fly with their form as worgens use their form to run, they could fly with cast time and everything, or with the dragonflight i dont see it any different then Evoker wings tbh, its all there, but i gues it would diminuish a great deal evokers :confused:

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I don’t get it. If people don’t play this game for the stories and lore then what makes this game any special.
I think they already made bad enough decisions already but that’s just my opinion.
Is like ruining the brilliant universe that some very imaginative folks created for the sake of money.
Anyways don’t really matter at this stage.

they must pick their battles, how much effort needed for how much gameplay.

There are plenty of gamebreaking like game non functioning bugs which they cant fix yet, but you are talking about optional stuff
 The battle for darkshore cant be done, antorus bugs 50% of time it doesnt spawn the lift to the last 4 bosses, certain races like worgen dont show armor sets correctly.

and some of these is in game for years, they do treat race/class combo as content, the thing of giving more combinations is literally treated like content and they will use this in future

I really don’t think Tauren rogue is a good idea
 but no.

I don’t intend on derailing the thread, but I had to comment, nice mog you got there, it’s been quite some time since I saw something more original in a DH. Do you also have the Glyph of Fallow Wings? I think it would match.

No lifers think the lore game matters while it actually does not

The players with lives like me never think the lore game matters, since developers always disrespect the lore game for far too long

Never had any patience about the class/race combination. I started playing wow in 2011 cataclysm! It is time to see Worgen Paladin and shaman since 2011. I have asked these for almost 12 years

Worgen monk and demon hunter, Worgen DH makes more sense than only Sin’dorei and Kal’dorei

If you never think the developers disrespect the lore then check this:

No Zandalari warlock, No Kul Tiran paladin nor warlock, no nightborne druid

Nightborne druid - NPC exist, like the Raid boss High Botanist and the raid trashes

Zandalari warlock - they literally taught the vulpera how to become one

Kul tiran paladin and warlock - Reskinned and copypasted human, they just replaced them with shaman and druid

Nightborne demon hunter - Felborne are bound to the fel magic and engage in melee fight

Highmountain cow paladin and priest - copypasted tauren, but yet removed the sunwalkers for highmountain

Void elf - Reskinned blood elf could have been a DH and paladin once they became the allied race

Mag’har warlock - They won’t be green from becoming warlocks because they are not bound to the fel magic, only demon hunters are bound to one

Lightforged draenei - Reskinned Draenei but why no monks and shaman for them if they will still be Lightforged with being a monk and a shaman, because they are not bound to the nature

And running out of patience, that is not good

I would play it if you could walk like every other being with their weapon drawn.
You all look like wannabe Naruto.

nightborne and void elf are elves

More like, allow Nelf and Helf DH players to chose their faction as lore wize they are coming from outside the factions.

Felborne are the nightborne who are bound to the fel magic and they engage the melee fight, and so the true demon hunters

So during 7.3.5 they could have made sense to add Nightborne demon hunters than to stay lame elves

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After all this time, i have no idea if i would even change race right now if they add something. Maybe, just maybe to orc, but only if he has some fel customizations like fel orcs from Legion.

the ones like The Violet Hold 2.0?