If the Alliance becomes evil, what should it look like?

One big minus of Sylvanas’s Horde for me was the lack of a cohesive sense of aesthetics. BfA Horde buildings were mostly the same mud huts as during Vol’jin’s rule, and the gorgeous Gothic architecture of the Forsaken, which should have taken the center stage now that the corpse people ruled the Horde, was relegated to a few camps in Darkshore.

Compare this with Garrosh’s Horde. Now that was aesthetic. The badass dark iron ramparts used to reinforce Orgrimmar, the militaristic music and the copious amounts of spikes really gave the Horde a sinister heavy metal atmosphere that fit Garrosh’s tyrannical rule.

And this train of thought led me to a question: what if the Alliance turned evil in the same way the Horde did? What kind of aesthetics would it have then?

Personally, I would love to see a darker, more militaristic version of the Stormwind theme, or to have the city itself rebuilt into something more brutal and warlike. Something similar to the neo-Gothic architecture from Warhammer 40k. There could be a more Roman feel to them, or something akin to the Spanish Empire, with the Inquisition and everything. Basically, the Alliance if it fell under the influence of fanatical Light worshippers like Xe’ra.

Alternatively, Blizzard could go all Void. Have Tyrande and Alleria fall to the dark side, and take Anduin with them. Imagine Teldrassil regrown with the power of the Void.


You should change the title because what you are describing is something that the Alliance as a whole would never become.

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The Alliance can’t really become evil as long as they only attack the horde.

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I don’t see any reason to change the aesthetics when changing the allignment. Stormwind should still look like Stormwind, Ironforge should still look like Ironforge, the golden lion should still fly as a symbol of (self-)righteousness over the conquering Alliance troops.

I mean… it worked for the Scarlets.


What if they murder tauren babies?

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Depends on how good they taste.


Oooh, can we get a “Roasting of Thunder Bluff” then? Where we set the mesa ablaze with a Glaive thrower?


I get that this is a cartoon and writers need to signal intent through ingame assets, but I must say that I never saw much sense in the incongruous changes that certain places had in order to fit the tone of the story they were telling.

You don’t change an entire city from one day to another based on your mood or moral standards.

And to decorate a setting, there certainly isn’t some “Bad Guy” aisle in IKEA that they can hastily turn to in order to proclaim they are now the baddies.


Well it would look like Greedy Humans who refuse to pay workers and kill them instead, Arrogant Elves who hug trees and think they own the world, Dwarves with Civil War issues that last about 15 years , Arrogant humans 2 who shut themselves behind a wall and instead got cursed, and Void Elves.

Oh wait…


I can’t be the only one who notced the immediate targetting of (Tauren and Tauren babies) in this thread by the Heinous Alliance?

I’m shocked and appaled….Shocked and Appaled, I say.


Beef is best.


Well, Orgrimmar can’t be destroyed because that would be too much work for Blizzard, and Silvermoon will never be updated, so we are coming for The Moo Moo Farm next.

Footage of the great Battle For Mulgore, coming in 10.0, notice the updated graphics:


Why does Horde always saying like only Horde is becoming evil?

What about Alliance leader Fandral Staghelm ?
He was Night Elves leader for 3 addons. For 6 years! Horde was gathering PVP raids on him trying to kill. He just became evil, and that happened long before Garrosh and Sylvanas!!!

What about Archbishop Benedictus?
He was a leader of the Alliance faith! He was also a second leader of the Humans for 2 addons. For 4 years! Horde was gathering PVP raids on him trying to kill also. He just became evil, and that also happened long before Garrosh and Sylvanas!!!

So, long before Blizzard made some Horde heroes evil, Alliance was already getting those punches!
And they did not stop. For example our heroes Cordana Felsong became evil. Delaryn and Sira not just became evil, they also joined the Horde. How many Horde heroes joined the Alliance???

One more reason to sack it instead^^

On a more serious note… I’d rather see Silvermoon toasted than Thunder Bluff. Hands off Mulgore peeps!


Well, Silvermoon is all but deserted, Dazar’alor got sacked already, the few huts on the Echo Isles are hardly worth the effort and our great port there is invisible.

So Thunderbluff it is, I’m afraid. See y’all at the lift!


hmm only real city that would make some sence for alliance to attack would be suramar, for where the night elfs reclaim their city back to the night elfs, considering nightborne are horde and horde destroyed their tree.

For the night elves*

The rest of the Alliance supports Anduin and fought side by side with the nightborne in 8.2.5.

It’s not our fault you’re basically the nicest playable race in the Horde, if not the entire game.

I don’t think anyone would be able to morally justify killing tauren.

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I’m sure that several Horde dudes could totally morally justify killing Baine.

And I’m not entirely joking.


It wouldn’t be the first time it happened either, more like the third time atleast. The third was when Blood Elves decided to repaint Silvermoon city red and gold instead of blue and silver after they changed their favorite colors and put up giant Kael’thas statues everywhere, despite the other half of the city being in ruins.