If they leave balance like this for s1....then idk

Fury warrior literally presses charge and 2 buttons and I had to press bubble otherwise I would’ve been blown up. He proceeds to press shatter ofc and then I die. My WoG heals for 10% of my health. Amazing. I need 30 holy power and infinite mana to get myself back up lmao.

Meanwhile they do absolutely insane damage AND heal at the same time without sacrificing anything.

Frost mage…really nothing to explain here. Only instant spells that will melt you in seconds without any down side. Also heals more than ret which is just ridiculous.

Pres Evoker…godlike healer that will melt you in 3 globals because why wouldn’t a healer class do more damage than a pure dps class.

I was so happy about the xpac…and I still think it’s great, but when I started to dabble in my main thing, which is pvp…it hurts. It’s always like this…the class I play is dog poop whilst others are just op as hell. There no time to react or outplay or anything. WoW’s PvP went to shambles. Classic being about skill, turned into button mash pve rotation and who has better gear and fotm class wins without a chance to lose. It’s pathetic.


Start of first season is always a bit bonkers imo. Lots of changes often happen; I seem to remember start of Dragonflight for example I think enh or ele were godlike in BGs and had insane self-healing and then got super nerfed. Lots of new things are often bugged too.

Not sure how its now, but in my experience SL start was sh1t show. Druids, rogues ect.
As gentleman above mentioned, wait a lil bit, some nerfs/buffs will make it a lil bit better.

nerfs needed:
Fury Feral Frost mage and arcane mage
mostly though feral and fury

strangely enough Demo and BM hunter and Arms Warrior are performing the worst in the dps meters according to rankings
i expect changes next week

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Specs im barely seeing at all are BM, Demo, Destro, Enchancement, DH, n a couple others. I briefly tested out arms n i think its quite good actually but severely overshadowed by fury being bonkers. Chances are affli being strong is the reason we´re also not seeing any demo or destro locks. When one of the specs are extremely dominant no one plays any other specs even if they´re good.

In DF we barely saw any fury warriors despite it being very good due to arms simply being stronger. In TWW fury got alot of quality of life changes like being able to stack their MS ontop of overtoned raw numbers. The nerf to odyns n roar was fairly noticable but damage overall is still insane.

I think we need to wait for the season to start before we´ll see whats good or not. Conquest gear allowing more stats will also make a significant difference for alot of the more stat hungry specs out there.

As it supposed to be, frost dk and fury should be unplayable too


Pvp its make no sens anymore. Use stun, pup all CDs, well done u won = festival of Cds. Positioning, well timing CC to score a kill is gone forever. Too much chaose, too much skill for good pvp. And too much damage.
Maybe reverse versatiliti stats (1x damage, 0,5x reduction → 0,5x damage, 1x reduction) would be fine for this state of game.
But its my vison of game, no1 need to agree.

Will try pve, for now, hope they will do MOP classic, cheers.

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Could be my imagination only but I also think that boomys are really good. Met a few in open world/ BG’s so far and the damage seems pretty bonkers. :smiley:

yeah, frost mage needs some additional dmg nerfs for sure.

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Demo and Destro pump too though
Just cause ya have to cast more that they are not so popular right now
Diabolist Destro can easily kill people in a few seconds, seen people go from full to zero in 2 seconds
Demo is also good but it is just a cluster F to play it in battlegrounds but they still can pull of crazy burst and it is easier to handle melees with it

The thing that annoys me the most is that hybrids are worse healers than pure DPS, which is ridiculous.


Getting outhealed as feral vs mage/warr feels absolutely ridiculous.


They need to just gut monk. They have no justification behind being able to stop people from casting as much as they do.

Boomies are worthless against any melee. You can’t kite anyone - as a balance druid.

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They need to just completely remove them from pvp.

It’s impossible to play a caster against a monk atm.

“hurr, look me, I can make casters airborne so they can’t even cast lolololol”

Dumb as hell class.

Not one skirmish without a windwalker monk in it so far.

Did you just lose to one?

No, I’ve won with and lost against.

It’s absurd. The team with the WW wins. Every single one with the WW has been the winning one. They just make someone airborne so they can’t even cast while they’re being killed or they do it to the healer.

Rising dragon sweep needs to go.

Dumbest I saw was a DK that gripped the healer to the wall and he got punched up into the air by the monk and then ring of peaced bounced against the wall. He couldn’t cast anything not instant until someone died and he was out of instants.

Absolutely garbage design.

I have to admit there are a lot of stupid sh** right now

Not talking about the number balancing, but the amount of annoying mechanics added on top of whatever was already there in DF

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got already a Nerf.

based around Skirmish? nice.

should stay in F tier :+1:

idk, everyone is playing Affli, so i dont think Destro is the play here.

funny is, destro has one hero tree that is like nerfed by 80% cause something that was buggy on beta that now is fixed but now its still nerfed by 80% x)

Now every destro has to play the instant specc

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it´s the same with ravage in Catform now, got already a huge Pvp mod in pvp, now it´s getting Nerfed in pve what also affects pvp, and it does less dmg than normal bite