I can’t say wheter or not they still work in PvP, but durig WoD when they were first introduced they definitely did… sorry, I somehow glossed over the PvP part
That is where these friendly grips are most annoying when they can cost round after waiting 30 min for game. But I came to conclusion that I will use my wish for gate/port to be removed and warlock mobility reworked to something more pug friendly instead of trying think of ways how to not get gripped by friendlies into unfriendly location and so on.
Current warlock design just assumes that team plays around their team members port/gates, it works in coordinated but not so much in solo with pugs, I wish they just rework it. So locks too can have easier mobility related pug gameplay.
i understand teh 3 others, though EotB has definite uses in current gameplay beyond fluff, for example in MoTS…
But I´m curious as to the reasoning behind removing a purge (Tranq. Shot) from one of the few classes that have one to begin with… 0.o
There is a cast time for hunter pets as well if they die exactly like locks.
I’d delete the whole spec. Outlaw has to go.
Outlaw 123
Shadow Priest
Dark Ascension (We didnt ask for it)
Angelic Feather
Holy Nova
Mind Spike (we didnt ask for it)
Divine Star
You are not arguing the same thing as the person you are responding to, as he is speaking specifically of the initial summon. But you are doing a good job of explaining why FD should IMO not be removed, because full Lock summon channels take significantly longer than hunter revives do, whch is exactly why it exists in the first place.
Heh i never ever use it. Only has it because else i could not get something else i wanted
It’s cool tho. Something goes big and red and I go “Teehee, no you don’t.’ Very satisfying
I like them big and red
Joke aside, it’s cool to see the different answers here. Many different playstyles and choices.
Primal Strike.
It’s completely useless for resto and elemental, and is replaced by Stormstrike for enhancement.
I would delete the entire Demon Hunter class.
There’s no ability I’d delete. BM hunter is fine.
But, I would delete MM. And replace it with something I actually like.
After they’ve already removed stuff like Rune of Power, Nether Tempest and Radiant Spark it’s hard to ask for more.
There isn’t anything in particular I’d remove from evokers.
For ret paladin, Justicar’s Vengeance feels very useless. IDK if it has use in pvp but otherwise it’s weaker than the base Templat’s Verdict, only gives a small heal, the bonus on stunned targets is underwhelming and it can’t be 20yd range like Final Verdict.
For holy paladin I’d replace the mastery because I don’t like it (can’t just leave them without one at all). I don’t like the proximity dependence. Yes they’ve improved it to include proximity to beacons but I still don’t like it.
When I’m not supposed to be working, I’ll have a trawl through the rest of the talents to see if there’s anything else I should rant about.
Holy spec.
You have no idea, it’s not even close.
Warlock summon demon → 6 second cast, be it initial summoning or resummon after it dies.
Hunter summon pet-> Instant, 2.5 second resummon if pet dies.
And also Warlock can get increased cast time due to spell pushback (+0.2sec each time you get hit while casting) whereas Hunter doesn’t.
Angelic Feather Agreed, never specced this. I’m far too busy doing bangy hitty things to worry about how fast someone else is moving
I use a macro that puts the feather on my character, i never give it to others
There was no reason for this change. Was it sl or df can’t remember