I choose the most beautiful troll lady: High Priestess Mar’li
We don’t deserve this abuse though!
I wonder what kind of deal he’d make before agreeing to it
How many souls is a kiss worth? This sounds like a philosophical debate worthy of Captain Jack Sparrow and Davey Jones.
Only one!??!! How could you make me narrow it down to just one!!!
I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to a more open marriage if a certain black dragon was involved…
If it helps ignore the psychos.
He can have my soul after my wife kills me
Edit: I’ve always wondered what death tastes like
Gourmet huh?
ofc garrosh
Mike Morhaime
Psychopaths are sexy
oh, of course you are not…
All these posts and nobody has said chromie
Do I really have to say it?
Though I guess Yrel would be a close 2nd place. Gotta love them space goats.
Guess its no fun to say Wrathion again?
That highly depends on the character I am playing:
This character would kiss, King Rastakhan.
I liked his Imperial stance and the way he addressed the Horde character.
My Female Human Warrior, would kiss Anduin, I mean she even changed her looks just to be more presentable to him.
My Male BE DK, the unknown BE female of Argent Dawn he was ordered to execute.
He will regret that action forever as his cursed existence remains.
My Orc Warrior would kiss Taretha Foxton if she was still alive.
My female BE Hunter would kiss, Regent Lord Lor’themar.
My female BE mage would kiss Grand Magister Rommath.
My female BE Paladin would kiss Lady Liandrin.
My Female BE monk would kiss Master Shang Xi.
My BE male DH would kiss Kor’vas Bloodthorn.
My male Goblin Rogue … Literally every pretty lore female character he could get his hands on.
My Forsaken female priest would kiss none she’s devoted to her beliefs.
My BE female Warrior would kiss none her life is devoted to battle.
Sorry for the long list.
Thank you for having the patience to read all of this.