I’d kiss Kayn Sunfury. I need a man’s man - plus reminders that the Illidari cannot be stopped.
Well ofcourse, after sniffing the gnome in the pot you give it a lil smooch before going for the full course.
I pick Koltira Deathweaver~ she is pretty
Anyone else is the wrong answer.
Mighty Queen Sylvanas.
All the way.
If you’re going to make topics like this, answer your own question first for everyone to see.
It would be that scrollsage something on tortollan wq dont remember her name. that woman got some experience
tough choice, it’s between Taelia, Yrel, Liadrin, Katherine Proudmoore, Magatha Grimtotem, N’Zoth
Off-topic, but since no PM system here :
I had to armoury you because of your avatar - this recolour of deathmist is pretty. I had forgotten that the dungeon set upgrade was so nice looking. Nice find and suits you.
Hey thanks!
No kissing tho.
Leave Yrel alone she’s mine >:(
but Yrel is just so hot I can’t resist the call of the Light
Jaina first and then Valeera. Then both at the same time .
I guess maybe Calia, she’s been looking pretty fresh in BFA …well as fresh as undead can get
And Wrathion and Saurfang.
1 character, what is so hard to understand about 1 character. Rule is simple, I’m the rule police here, now you’re under arrest, cheating is not allowed.