Fair enough, I feel good about my chances in prison. If you execute me, well, I’ll see you in Shadowlands.
You wouldn’t risk all that just to kiss a gnome?
Queen Azshara
TBH… isnt kissing disgusting? I never kissed anybody on the mouth. You are ok to exchange some saliva and germs? If someone spit on the ground , would you lick his/her spit? Its the same as kissing.
Conqueror Krenna
Anduin, infact I’m planning to propose once I get back from my crusade.
Are you just an elaborate troll or a genuine incel?
You make it sound like licking the ground without someone’s spit would be completely fine and acceptable.
I understand what you mean but the example is weird. Also I didn’t specify what kiss. Could be a friendly kiss on the cheek
Is it possible to be both?
Probably? I’m not sure I’ve ever even met either on these forums.
Yeah that’s totally what I had in mind
Valeera Sanguinar, always.
Anduin my boy I wanna see him blush. I just lob him sm
Jaina Proudmoore - she’s well fit
Anything else is left to the imagination or certain RP realms
Either Queen Azshara
Or Matron Mother Malevolence
Jaina, because, Jaina.
Kiss Sylvanas with a morningstar.
She is fit and a better leader than you barbarians deserved.
Before or after transformation?
Canonically our character exists in lore as The Champion, The Commander, The Hero, o whatever the other lore character wants to call us today. So, I choose to kiss The Champion, which by my point of view is me, so I choose to kiss myself. Next time put a corollary rule against egocentric choices. ^^
If I am not a valid anwser then I choose Lady Liadrin. Redheads rules.