If you could kiss one lore character

The security guard at the door in Sainsbury’s told my wife and I that we had to maintain a 2 meter distancing rule from eachother, and walk opposite ways around the shop the other day.

We drove there in the same car, we live in the same house. I think the guard was dropped on his head or something.

Anyway I digress, umm… I’d probably kiss Darion Mograine. He looks like he needs a bit of love. Poor chap.


Thalyssra. I ain’t gonna sugar coat it, I ain’t gonna act like I’m too good to simp for a fictional character but oh my god THALYSSRA. I want her to step on me.

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You’re a terrible Death Knight! The more diseases we have at once the more DPS we do!

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Queen Azshara
Either form is fine
Pre-transformation was so beautiful, could stop the heart of a man
After transformation… she have some alien beauty

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I’m blood. I dislike draining people full of disease. Yerch!

Kelsey Steelspark.

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Anduin, i’m going for that throne!


Dark Lady obviously


You are under arrest too


I’d kiss all the elfs & human ladies, everything is bigger when you’re 2ft. tall so kissing a tall lady would be 3 times the fun for me

Im not sure about draenei though, I don’t know if they hide fangs or not, they’re a tail of surprises

Sylvanas. I’ve liked her since 2005 (with her bud Varimathras), they were rocking Undercity. She’s such a badass.


Arthas and Lor’themar :heart_eyes:
They’re both handsome and badass.

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You cannot contain my looooove! runs away

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Personally I think squid azshara is better, though that could just be the graphics quality talking.

Void-possessed Alleria.

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Used to be Arthas… Now it’s Wrathion. Everything is Wrathion :heart_eyes:


I’d say Chromie because she’s cute AF


I didn’t think about that but good choice :open_mouth:

Mother, do not listen to the voices!"
"I’ve ignored them for too long, they speak the truth, Arator. And you will hear them, I will make you hear them.”

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