If you could live in the WoW universe irl

Probably Boralus.
But if Stormwind is ever updated to be on par with Boralus, then it would be there.

Somewhere, where I can start the purge of all Gnomes in Azeroth! I will be deemed a hero of the people, a champion!

Probably jade forest. Near the nw border. With the mountains near.

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I think i would just stay in stormwind and just fish in the canalsā€¦

Please donā€™t tell me Mechagnomes attend the nightclub thereā€¦ diaper legs are an absolute no from me.

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Until that rare croc in the canals decides to eat you.

Probably Suramar City post-Legion for me I guess. :grin: Should be relatively safe as long as you donā€™t leave the City itselfā€¦and donā€™t go near the menagerie with a certain Devilsaur. :eyes:

Probably in one of the starting zones that are more ā€˜chillā€™ā€¦ so Mulgore.

the race of furries, of course.

Enjoy your fleas.

Kharanos. Chilling in the cosy Inn, enjoying the heat of the fire and drinking beers. Sounds good to me. Iā€™m an experienced Butcher IRL, so I can work in the Kitchen of the Inn. Peak comfy.

Pandaria is my heaven.
Race? Whatever just not dranei male. I can be ever tauren. Just let me live in pandaria.

Itā€™s a tough question, a lot of places are rather easy on the eyesā€¦

I suppose Iā€™d have to say Eversong, overall. Not only because the non-corrupted portions of the forest are very easy on the eyes but I have a lot of fond memories running around there.

Some close runners up would be Suramar, Vashjā€™ir and Teldrassil. The original iteration of Darkshore as well.

Pre-Cataclysm Darkshore.

Itā€™s the best zone the game has ever had.

Yeah itā€™s dangerous with all the diseased bears around but theyā€™re low-ish level.
Youā€™ve also got a city nearby and the Eastern Kingdoms is ā€˜justā€™ a boatride away.

Classic stranglethorn for sure

@Tupacisbest: I have answered a similar thread in the past, but my answer has not really changed over the years. Troll, under the Thunder Bluff elevator. Even if I had no combat class, being able to regenerate naturally would mean I would survive all non-instantly fatal wounds. I could watch over Tauren kids, keep an eye on people and goods going up and down the elevators and if I managed to pick up combat skills, maybe even help reduce the nearby cat and harpy populations, perhaps even hunt kodosā€¦ and spend evenings admiring Pala dance in her inn. blush