Moira, her butt is amazing.
Either G’huun or Tred’ova
Kayn Sunfury
I want an action elf-man with big arms.
You could climb up in ghuun’s rotten womb
Bear in mind I made this character more than a decade ago as a young teenager…
The answer hasn’t changed.
Maiev Shadowsong and we could brood over life together. Plot revolutions and chase after bad boys.
I will if i could xd
Benjamin, I almost dropped from my chair!
Jaina Proudmoore , Lorna Crowley, Thalyssra, Tess Greymane, also I want to marry Sylvanas just to kill her
Fixed it for you.
Decision made then… Tyrande where are you my love, i neeeeeed you LOL.
Hello there I’m Tyrande … I mean I’m Xavius!
Elf Azshara. She’s so hot. I can see why everyone loved her before she went evil.
As Anduin would say: ‘‘Oh…Jaina!’’ :3
I honestly cant believe the wow community has such pleb tastes, THE ONE AND ONLY ANSWER IS PATRITIAN TASTE BASED GREEN DRAGON WAIFU YSERA!
Is it me or do others find these kind of threads a bit disturbing too?
Ofc they are. But they’re better than 90% of the usual threads around here.
Expect a blue response soon.
I’m already married the light the only real lore character
That was a forced marriage though.