If you could married with lore characters, who would be?

Sally Whitemane :smiley:

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I’d have a 3some with myself because LFG people are just actually glue eating degenerates.

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Valeera, she is gorgeous, have a beautiful voice and probably one of the most trustworthy characters around, the kind of person you want to have around.

She’s also a unique character with a unique lore, don’t give a damn about factions, and on top of that is a Blood Elf that holds no loyalty to the Horde, she’s perfect.

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Guys…Its time to log of, all of you…

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Any of the Kyrian Thunderthigh ladies will do fine for me ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)


Where is the button for it? :sweat_smile:

Personally I post in them tongue in cheek and choose to take them as such. That said I still simp for Ysera :stuck_out_tongue:

Sally Whitemane (living form, not the undead monster) :sparkling_heart:

I would like to join her inquisition and just look at her, she is gorgeous.


I want to redeem Azshara and make her revert to her elf form, and then we’ll marry and have ten kids. We’ll be a total power couple.

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I’ve spent a couple of minutes thinking about this, and i’ve come to the realization that there isn’t a single character in all of WoW that appeals to me even a little bit. Which i find very strange as i don’t even know why.

In roleplaying terms of lore characters since i am a gnome I would marry kelsey steelspark of course

Secondary shame intesifies…

Let’s discuss more about those magnificent bottocs over a pint of finest dire brew.

I think you’re right, i need to log off, maybe do something different, perhaps making some drawings of Valeera maybe…


my engineering mentor Gazlowe or Genn, both real gentlemen, one is handy with his tools and the other is a bit of a wolf. wouldn’t work though…i’m impossible to live with :stuck_out_tongue:


I would love to say Alleria, but I fear for our children lol.

So Vereesa Windrunner

Though she’s my least favorite Windrunner, she does look pretty.

And when I die, I know for a fact she will go on a purge to get revenge.

And she’s a great mother to her sons. And a great mother to her nephew who she adopted after Alleria went missing.

Illidan or Varian Wrynn


Because yes.

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Defender Ilona, the prot pally bodyguard from WoD.
Or maybe Rangari Chel, as long as she wouldn’t pester me too much about building sniper nests in the woods near my home.

Any skilled draenei is a good choice anyway, bonus points if she’d preserve my soul in one of those vigilant constructs.

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Thassarian :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Illidan is sexy, too, but not exactly marriage material.

And…a Kul Tiran? Can’t really name one since I barely played BfA, but damn, they look sexy.