Thanks for this! I came here just to complain about bubble hearth, but I go grab a banana instead! Do you just trow it at their feet and hope they move or does it work even if they stand still?
You throw it at their feet, they will be stationary for hearth.
Problem 1: Seems to need a flat surface, sometimes can’t place it under their feet!
Problem 2: They can restart hearth after the interrupt - gotta time it right.
Problem 3: The stars have to align.
It took me a while to get the drop, but I was only really trying when first log in and last thing before log off.
Bubble gives immunity, unless dispelled so how can this interupt HS?
Edit: It also says “walk” which implies the person/toon has to be moving. Which is not the case whilst using HS in a bubble…
The banana trips em up, cancelling whatever they were casting. See demo below.
They can be stationary. Because they are already standing on the banana, they don’t need to walk towards it, and they will instantly trip.
Difficulty is, sometimes they are standing on a spot that the banana can’t be placed. Dam rocks!
Here’s a demo…
Interrupt Pala Bubble Hearth with a Giant Banana
Right so a paladin’s greatest weakness: Is a banana?
Now that’s a high quality meme right there.
No, a really big banana!
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