I can confirm the item below counters pala bubble hearth, I know some don’t know about it. Did my first interupt the other day, got it on ‘tape’ hehe. Long cooldown, but should suffice in WPvP. I put mine on a keybind for quick deployment!
Definitely worth it!
Especially funny when paladin doesn’t understand what has happened, and just stand thinking “where is that loading screen?” probably, hehe.
Btw, it also works against Zandalari Paladins - you know, those whom you need to kill 3 times instead of usual 2 of all other paladins. Magic banana makes them like everybody else.
And this ^ is why we can’t have fun things. OMG, something is not like everything else, and it’s fun, no-no-no-no-no, nerf it, make another boring thing, I pay money, someone else toooooo… blah, blah, blah
it doesn’t work in Arena / BG.
In WPvP, banana on 2 h CD is perfectly fine. Deal with it.
It’s a kind of funny item indeed… Kinda lacklusting due to it’s cooldown… I’d love a similar item but it says “cooldown lowered to 2 minutes if cast close to a zandalari troll”. Especially now when i play shaman ~90% of my time(swapping mains so need those reputations up for 8.2).
I find in actual gameplay though, I am unlikely to come across multiple bubble hearthers within 2 hours cooldown.
But annoyingly… as soon as I got the banana, bubble hearthers seemed rarer! Could just be because I am now highly motivated to hunt Paladins, and have higher expectations.
Well they seem really popular at RP shards(Zanda paladins), not to mention most zanda paladins are really aggressive. Usually WPvP on AD are that we both fight winner cheer a bit and then we keep on going about our buisness… But lately Horde’s been really agressive and keeps trying to kill people even in one sided struggle.
Ofc. being a shaman makes WPvP really funny since we currently match very well against pretty much any class even without the Ghost Wolf built. So I don’t really mind the constant chllengers.
Inside bubble all heartstones have 50 % less cast time.
The draenor garrison stone has a base cast time of 5 sec, half compared to all others. that means inside bubble you can cast garrison heartstone in 2.5 sec. even if you interupt with this banana item he can still recast before bubble is off
Thx for info, I didn’t realize hearth cast time reduced in bubble! Well, it’s fun sport the banana anyway. For sure it can work if stars align, and worth a try!