If you want Blizz to change something

im sorry, but its impossible to discuss things with someone like you. and as i read more of your post i believe i have seen you post in the past basically always on blizz’s side however mindless the defense used.

i will answer just one point which you just dismiss out of hand.

how is this needless spin? the basic azerite system and its hotfixes (essences & corruption) already existed in a far BETTER system in legion aka artifacts. but even then, they had been tried and test with feedback on negative effects of switching specs or alts, and the endless grind of AP.

for blizz to basically take the same system, water it down and not fix the known issues on launch is just blind shortsightedness.

blizz has done many great things in the past, and again, i never criticize the art or music team. even the raids are usually top notch, BoD for example being a contender for best raid ever.

but some of the decision makers are doing things for whatever reason, and the effect is unhappy players and disdain thrown on the staff of blizzard where thats not where its meant to be aimed. ie. i would wager that people who complain about blizzard and WoW NEVER are complaining about the art or music teams, but they get lumped in with the complaints.

but stick with your stances. a closed mind (at least in regards to WoW, i dont know you outside the game) usually stays closed.

oh that burn :joy: :clinking_glasses:

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Don’t get angry just move on ,its suprising he doesn’t back the idea as he plays on the most dead English speaking server EU Turalyon when it advertises “new players” you know the server is beyond help .

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its hard sometimes cause i always try to look at things based on logic and data rather than feelings. playing the game, seeing the pixels in front of me and talking to the (few) people i know left playing, there are many flaws in the game. and then you see loads of forum posts and youtube videos confirming your position, with little to none against it except obvious trolls.

its not getting angry, i just start to question, wait, am i actually wrong and in the minority? cause the evidence doesn’t support that, but yet loud people still keep trying to say that is the case.

having that sort of wind up attitude, it doesn’t help the game, and it doesn’t help other things irl.

most recent example, corruption:

  1. do people really think that corruption, in its current form (or maybe even at all?) is a good thing?
  2. if not, was this failure predictable based on past systems and gameplay?
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I rarely use the forums since it changed I can only reply

Please respond to: Screen shake on certain abilites since Legion (Causing nausea)

In short: abilities shake screen very slightly but enough for my nausea to take an effect.

I’ve tried submitting tickets and suggestion since legion but its hopeless.

Please bump the thread since I can’t do it :slight_smile:

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None of your “Horde Bias” threads are decent feedback that’s why they never answer you .

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Here’s my point: Blizzard takes player feedback into consideration far more than most other companies you can think of. Beyond that, as a customer, your ideas and suggestions are far more likely to affect the product you’re paying for, compared to almost anything else you can think of.

With that in mind it is disrespectful to present Blizzard as if they don’t give a damn, ignore all feedback, and do things to spite their own fans, and consist of the lousiest employees imaginable.

Let’s take some random, known companies as an example.


If I have an idea for McDonald’s to introduce hotdogs, where do I go with that idea? Who’s the Ion Hazzikostas equivalent at McDonald’s that does Q&As and appears on the stage? Ronald McDonald the clown?!
Have any top employee at McDonald’s ever presented himself or herself as the face of the company when interacting with the fans? No. It’s all PR and advertisement.
My idea for McDonald’s is worth nothing, and my feedback is meaningful only as numbers in statistics, not a voice in a community.

Same with Disney. If I have an idea for a new Disney princess film, where do I go with that? What are the odds that Bob Iger will ever communicate directly with me as a fan? Do I even have an opportunity to meet the guy?
If I send everything I have to everyone I know at Disney, the best I can hope for in return is a signed photograph of Mickey Mouse.

Apple does their fancy announcement events throughout every year. But for who? Blizzard fills Blizzcon with fans of their games. Apple fills their events with journalists and stakeholders.

Ion may not be Blizzard’s or the fans’ ideal imagine of a spokesperson for WoW, but he sure as hell is better than having Ronald McDonald or Mickey Mouse.

And for your 10 bucks a month, Blizzard treats you like a god damn king compared to how most other companies treat you for the money you throw at them.

So at least put it all into perspective, rather than present Ion as the worst spokesperson ever, and Blizzard as developers who only screw up and respond late to feedback.
At least there is a spokesperson, and at least they do respond to feedback.

There’s plenty of room for improvement, but you’re presenting it as if they’re scraping the bottom. They’re not.

Really? You’re telling people to ignore me because half a year ago I didn’t give you an answer that was to your satisfaction, because gosh, my game experience is different than yours on the server we both play on?!
You who recently had this and that to say about respectful behavior on the forum, this is your side commentary about my input in this thread?
Shame on you.

I told him to not get angry and didn’t tell him to ignore you read again .

Maybe you should just stay out of it rather than injecting your own displeasure with me because of an unrelated answer I gave you in an unrelated thread half a year ago? Like what does that have to do with anything?!

Jito im not attacking you I just said to him don’t get angry and iam surprised by your view that is all calm down there is no anger at you ,you are clutching at straws and I can post were I like sorry to annoy you .

Because it’s not your view?
How profound.

Look I apologise if I annoyed you im sorry but ive no idea why you are so mad today .

I didn’t tell him to ignore you .I told him to not get mad at you if you cant accept that then move on stop making such a huge song and dance over something I apologise ok.

Fair enough. If my temper takes hold of my writing, then that is not by want on my part. Mea culpa.

kinda frustrating not seeing any of you commenting on the good threads tho… even if you maybe are reading and considering what players say, if you dont make yourself visilbe but instead comment on threads absolutely irrelevant to gameplay, it frustrates me to the point of not wanting to invest any more time in trying to post my feedback and expirience and trying to argue with the people here for a good suggestion in the first place… havent seen one of you commenting on anything worth while reading (i dont care about: rate the poster above, vulpera appreciacion, what do you like aboiut the game etc… threads and do not consider those worth reading) but instead replying to those threads…
do you ignore on purpose to not egnage or do you have the data and know whats coming and dont wanna spoil? no communication is just booring man— peace

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and nothing of value in this post as well. gj ;D

Give shadow priest competitive utility. Nothing we have is impactful at least for m+, there is never any pug group who looks specificly for shadow becouse it’s utility.

Here’s my precise feedback, more ram mounts, thanks.

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why exactly we dont have answer about why we cant get skimpy mogs in game then?

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