If you want Blizz to change something

There were cases in the past where “single thread very constructive feedback” being completely ignored by blizz, and then hundreds of “zug-zug’ing “blizz fix this or I unsub”” threads gets more attention and actual some game fixes. Sad to say, but if you want something fixed in this game (for ex like corruption ressistance catch-up, or recent cases of corruption, essence vendor, etc.), you gotta spam forums, no need of quality, just go for quantity.
A single well made thread will always be less valuable than 300 threads of unsub zug zugs.

P.S. I don’t do these suggestion or smth, I only observe what I see in forums in recent years.


People will only listen to the yell of the few, not to the mumble of the many.

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Quite the contrary, actually. Precise feedback brought to a finely honed point via dedicated discussion with and within the community, tends to catch a lot more attention.

Quality > quantity, any day of the week. :grinning:


Crying won’t help either.

Take a look at how much people are talking about botting and boosting and how much discussions were made about it.

Zero response.

At this point, I’m starting to just be happy when they do fix a real issue, and don’t expect them to respond regardless of the post being constructive or harsh.

Usually the only thing they answer is fun threads.

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I’m just happy for the Arms warrior mastery redesign, thank you guys for that.

Although I do think OP has a point somehow, regardless of what you say.

Example : The AH throttling change, most of the people I know in game and tons of other random players I asked and even in these very forums people were happy about it.

However it seems most of the AH goblins went up in arms and started complaining about it and we’ve seen immediate changes, despite many many constructive and well put posts about how AH goblins and botlike addons are ruining the game for others.

So I say it’s kinda of an in-between thing maybe, or maybe I’m being abit biased I don’t know :man_shrugging:

You cant blame them for not answering especially when you have 1 poster constantly making horde bias threads only to turn round and finally admit he is horde main aswell .
I do wish Ion would answer though about realms after he priomsed at blizzcon 7+months ago.


The thing is, we voice our concerns to blizzard. But it’s not our job to solve these concerns. It’s on blizzards part. It’s their job, what they get paid to do.

We can always post constructive well thought out points which blizzard then can draw inspiration from. But in the end of the day it’s still their job.

I would love to see a weekly or monthly thread where we can voice our concerns and blizzard can get back to us with their proposed solutions. Make it a give and take relationship instead of giving the silent treatment. Yes, everyone will not be pleased.

But by communicating with the players that actually do play this game, we can create and establish a healthier relationship between gamers and businesses.

I get that blizzard has tons of personnel working in different parties. But I’m pretty sure we could get like a weekly or monthly roundup with a few employees. I’m sure it’s possible. We just need some dedication and time put aside.

Because opinions there’s plenty to go around here. Same with suggestions and concerns.


You mean other than the massive bot banwave that has just gone out?

I think the problem that the OP reports is the perception that because you only ever normally see Blue responses in whats your favourite zone/pet/mount etc threads that none of the feedback threads get read.

There is also the problem that the vast majority of ‘feedback’ threads aren’t very constructive and are generally X is bad but with either no backup to the claim or if there is backup but it is wildly exaggerated, doesn’t help.

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Good to hear it :slight_smile:

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Overwatch forums says hello LOL

I’d love some kind of monthly round up on the recent “hot topics”, but I wonder how useful it would be to receive a load of responses reading “we hear your feedback and have passed it on, but have nothing to report at the moment”. It would probably just be frustrating for everyone involved.

It’s nice to see the Blues posting, even in the fun and frivolous threads, to know that they are here and are reading our responses. Even if there’s little point going into every thread to say “it’s been passed on”, at least we have some sense that they are here and listening. It’s certainly frustrating when you feel that serious topics are being ignored, but I understand that they can’t weigh in on these issues, promise us things that may never happen, or give away secrets of what’s already planned. Must be very frustrating for them too!


Imo the frustration comes from that whenever a blue posts any kind of information there will always be someone attacking them.

Wow’s playerbase is so big and diverse and different in things they like and hate to the point where it’s totally normal to find two people that love / hate the same thing, and so no matter the news someone will always be angry.

One example is multiboxxing, some hate it and some love it.


Sadly, some of us are so jaded and cynical that spite and bitterness is what we usually default to.

Yet the corruption system is evidence to the contrary.


Keep the Brutosaur and more interaction with the forums

Exactly, I too in my work have some tasks, where I need to find improvement areas for people doing repetetive manual works with excels, SAP, etc and automate these activities. Many times me, or they have some great ideas, but a lot of times it’s better not to say anything, so you won’t promise something that later you can’t deliver :slight_smile:

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This is what he means by quality btw, here is a great example of a quality feedback post.

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Sadly I doubt I’m going to get an answer but I’m gonna try anyway… Why aren’t we getting the Covenant polls for EU too? US had 2 already and we still have 0. If you guys want to make statistics wouldn’t it be better to make it for a bigger audience or more people than just one region?

That really used to be a Blizzard thing 10 years ago yes.


I hope you’re reading this @Yannila