If you want more socializing join a RP server

Non-Rpers are a sin.

Do not let them in.

Make non-rpers work from 9 to 5
Mindcontrol OOCers off of Thunder Bluff

/e makes barrel flip while jumping on the horse while a country band in singing.



Bit risky with current Covid situations…unless they are an essential industry, which they are not.

Is there someone we should call for you? Also what is a barrel flip? or ‘in singing’?

Do we need to get you some help?

Send OOCers to the maw
Undercut OOCers prices in the Auction House

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I mean…it is an interesting idea, might benefit the economy, I suppose, Damn it, It might just work!

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Wow, this thread got quite unpleasant!

I believe the crux of it is that you can split the protagonists here into three categories:

A - People on AD who actively roleplay
B- People on AD who do not actively roleplay but are respectful of the guidlines supplied by Blizzard (Naming conventions, Correct use of spatial chat, not dirsupting others gameplay)
C - People on AD who either do not respect those guidelines, or actively seek to disrupt.

Nobody seems to disagree that people in group C should not be on the realm. There’s really no justification for it and there’s a good argument that there should be more enforcement.

However, attempting to enforce any kind of suggestion that category B folks should not be on AD is asinine. As long as they are following the guidelines then nobody has the right to tell them they should not be there just because they don’t fit what you think they ought to do. What can and can’t be considered roleplaying is so subjective that it could never be enforced, even if Blizzard were to attempt it, which they won’t.

Roleplayers taking an aggressive and dictatorial stance against those who are on this realm and following it’s guidelines, but don’t choose to play the same way they do, are in my opinion just as toxic in their attitude as those who would actively disrupt RP.


Other then blizzard enforced rules it’s not something that’s decided by you though, I’m happy that it’s a topic you are so invested in but alas, nothing you can do I’m afraid.

I’m really confused about what you are trying to talk about here. How are people breaking the laws again? And if they are like you said, it’s very easy to prove after all, so either they aren’t really breaking the laws and you just made it up, or they are already banned and they are not posing any problems.

There’s also another side to what you wrote, about goldshiers as you stated it. Just because you don’t like some aspect to the RP that’s present on the server doesn’t make it something that should go away, you could argue that just by playing you are already a part of the RP, just because the characters people choose to portray, be it running dungeons or fishing or whatever else they choose, doesn’t match what you would like to see on an RP realm, doesn’t mean they aren’t allowed there somehow, because again it is a form of RP.

What about people that are bad at RP, they mispronounce, they run when they “should” walk, their story is bad and so on, they can’t play on AD too then? Because you say so?

You make it sound like you have any actual power here but that’s just not true, as much as I’m happy for people that RP, unless there are clear rules in place this won’t change.

Socializing should not be exclusive to RP servers.

I have a main reason why people try to keep to themselves is due to the extremely toxic community that Blizzard is encouraging.
Nearly every time I see someone use /1 to ask a question someone always says something offensive. A few hours ago someone asked a question and the first anwer was “You’re trash.” which did not even make any sense but it is toxic nevertheless. You can report it all you like but those players will not be getting any bans. Blizzard needs to start getting more serious about handing out bans to these players. Even 1 day is already enough to get them to stop since people are obsessed with logging on every day.
But they just don’t do anything unless it is a mass report.

Specifically some of the denizens of Goldshire, who are happy to transmit messages of a fairly graphic sexual nature to children via /say, /emote or even worse /whisper. That is basically illegal in just about every EU country.

Now some will protest that what goes on there is between adults, but they have no way of knowing this and asking someone “How old are you?” before launching into graphic descriptions is not something that stands up in Court, just the same as “She said she was 16!” isn’t a defence either. It -does- happen, because I have seen it happen, whilst playing WoW on Laptops side by side with a young cousin, who was at the time, definitely under legal age. She was no shrinking violet, and of course had had Sex Ed lessons at school, but getting some fairly vile messages that I wouldn’t send out of the blue to someone even if I knew they were adult, she was withdrawn and unhappy for the rest of the day.

I would say ‘I blame myself’ for saying “You choose, lets just roll some random level 1’s and level together” and forgetting about Goldshire when she said, “Cool, never played human in game, lets do that” But frankly, I’m not really to blame there…Some Guilds, including that of one of the people backing calls for OOC players to come to the RP realm in this thread, actively promote ERP as part of their Guild, and actually have a website with IC gold prices for ERP sessions. That in itself isn’t illegal.
If you want to check that out more, Asmongold made a stream where he interviewed their Guild Leader, who used Voice changing software to try and make themselves sound like a young woman, and refused to be on screen. Which is a bit weird.

So yeah, sending graphical sexual messages to a minor, is actually a criminal offence much akin to Internet grooming.

As to why we don’t report it, you seem to think that we don’t…we really, really do. Just Blizzard are very slow, or unwilling to take any action.

No, it really really should go away, for the reasons I stated above.

Then we have very differing views on what RP is, it isn’t RP, it is Cybering.
Like, If it is between two people who are incontrovertibly adults, so I don’t know, like a real life couple out of game, or at least two adults who know each other and know they are both adults, and it is done somewhere where no one else can see it, then that’s not a problem in my eyes. Whatever floats their boat.

If it was that,then there wouldn’t be a problem, and Goldshire would not have it’s unfortunate rep.

RP is basically as it sounds, you are playing a role in the setting. In the setting, Goldshire is not a brothel, it is a fairly quiet town supporting the local logging industry regularly patrolled by footmen and cavalry. So it isn’t really RP if people are turning it into a brothel, is it?
In fact it’s not even a brothel, brothels as I understand it from reading novels both historical and fictional, tend to be much better organised, and relatively professional, so they’re not even roleplaying a -brothel- properly!

If they’re bad, they learn, you just don’t pull them to pieces, be an example and give advice if needed, rather than tearing down. Everyone started out new at some point. For the hobby to work it has to be collaborative in nature, so most RP’ers, myself certainly, will be happy to show someone the ropes, in fact I have done that very thing myself, with people from this General section of the forum, who had not RP’d before, so I organised a few RP meet ups in game, as their sponsor for their newly founded ‘freelance’ guild, and ran an event or two for them. Worked out just fine. They’ve been to a few of the bigger RP multi guild events on AD and it’s been just fine.

So I’m not as judgmental as you think in that matter. I don’t disdain people who are new, or make mistakes, I try to help them get better at that aspect of the game through gentle advice. But the difference there is, that is when people are -trying- to RP, or new to RP, which is a whole world away from people who turn up with no intention to RP whatsoever, which is what is being proposed here.

No player -does- have any power, apart from Peer Pressure I suppose, but that is an inescapable feature of any hobby, career or social grouping.

Absolutely 100% this.

Don’t come to AD for the OOC socialising. Start OOC socialising on OOC realms. By all means all are welcome to AD if they are even just curious about RP and want to try it out and see how it goes, but don’t come here for the OOC socialising aspect, as whilst there is a social aspect going on, the RP is also a key factor of the server.

Hope that explained my stance a little better.

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Would be nice to have old RP server IC rules for most channels and areas back, honestly. But then again we’re at this point as a result Of Blizzard not enforcing their rules already in place so… Not sure having that rule would even help any. Blizzard just desperately needs more customer service but I guess they’re going more towards the Jagex route than what they used to be.

This is true, I play on Argent Dawn but the Alliance are overpopulated here. Plus, they have a 30% experience buff in enabled warmode.

Nonetheless, I still enjoy my time here more than on Draenor.

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