You’ve had people do this (some in bad faith, some as a genuine attempt but a bit trolly) RPing as madman prophets who would try and prophecise about upcoming patch events they’d know OOC. Generally badly received because it strays too far into “metagaming” but it just goes to show what some people will try and pull off and at some point you have to draw a line and go “okay this is okay, that isn’t” and wherever that line is will based upon preferences which is why it’s impossible to police. You’d need the entire server to agree on it which won’t happen.
You have widely different schools of thought on even less wacky RP for exmaple (i actually find this very interesting myself). For example in Horde there’s a fairly big cohort of RPers who support the “RP is spotaneous and in the moment” angle, where they support the idea anyone can literally impede upon anyone else (so long as it’s not OOC motivated griefing) and it is “good RP” to react to these kinds of things as they occur, rather than “plan them out of existence” via stuff like bubbling. Then there are other camps who believe that if an event is set up with participants, others should stay clear without arranging prior, unless they intend to run cooperatively with the event (ie if they may antaognise it IC they should stay away unless it’s agreed prior).
Lots of different philosophies even excluding the “wacky” stuff. I’m more of the “spontaneous is fine” camp myself. I’ve never really been into the procedurally planned type RP because it requires a level of OOC involvement I just don’t really find myself interested in or able to do.
Didn’t they reduce it (at least in SL) back down to 10% to prevent one faction massively speeding ahead? I swear I saw something about this because people were crying horde bias over it because generally speaking it’s alliance getting the amounts nerfed rather than horde.
I could be wrong, i haven’t tried WM in AD in SL as my chars i’m maining aren’t decked in PP gear so no way was I going to risk engaging in PvP with people with over twice my ilevel and i’ve seen plenty of horde about when levelling in Bastion despite AD being alliance dominated.
You wanna know why AD have the “lively chat” that they do?
Because they combat the boost spammers, trolls and the like! Booster’s don’t get to have their feet touch the ground there (gods knows that they tried). If they start spamming, They get pushed out of tradechat, and silenced in no time there.
While I certainly agree with most of what you’re saying. I absolutely understand where you’re coming from. I do have to ask, where you got this info from? I make new filters in badboy almost every gaming session. If I visit capitals of course.
In my experience, we absolutely have a booster-problem just like every other server. It usually gets burried in the chat because we have a very social community. But… we still have the regular booster-spam, trolls and the american politics topics going on. You’re painting a very different picture of our server than the one I experience.
Sometimes I wish I was into RP. If you look beyond those guys who take it too far (you all know the ones), RP seem to add a lot more fun to the gaming experience overall.
I know the rules of an RP-servers are there for a reason, and I don’t feel like logging on there just to escape from a chat overran by booster-spam and twich-memes - that’s just making me part of the problem.
You can always RP how I do (I used to do more than this, but these days I just don’t have the time, i’ve never get anything done in game) which is what I call “Reactionary RP”.
I go about doing my business just as a pve player would, but i’m “in character” the whole time. This doesn’t change my behaviour, but if anyone interacts with me in /say (whether they’re RPing or not) I respond in an IC way (tailored to whether i can detect they’re RPing or not). For example if I can tell they’re RPing, i may engage in stuff like my character not knowing stuff I may well know OOC (such as where a quest mob is) but if I can tell they’re not RPing, i’ll “hazard a guess” in character which is giving them the information required.
It’s a very low-risk low-investment form of RP but it does help socially lubircate casual questing situations and can lead to you forming nice partnerships or friendships over a zone with an individual where you keep bumping into each other, and it also “invites people in” to RPing back in a very simple and low risk way without all the OOC discord collab and massive campaign and loremongering requirements. All you really have to have an idea of is what your character is like personally, how they talk and how they may likely react to whatever is directed at them, which is easy to work out as it’s not bound by lore rules.
An RP server is supposed to be for “I come at thee, Sir Knight” kindda D&D roleplaying.
I think the server should be for those types.
Unfortunately what has happened is that Blizzard put CRZ and sharding on every single server except RP servers, which makes the OP absolutely right. If you want WoW the way it was meant to be experienced - with a community where you can meet people and get to know them and where the world’s population is consistent, concentrated inside major cities and places where people go through, then where you want to be is the RP servers.
Blizzard should make every server like Argent Dawn.
No worries, give it a shot. Very easy to do and potentially very enriching.
Did it a couple of months ago on my mechagnome rogue in Aszuna when an invasion was happening whilst levelling up, when me and a human hunter were waiting for a demon boss to pop. I casually “broke the ice with him” by talking about whether he was also here for the “Demon Termination” and to my joy he responded back in say, and it ended up with us touring the zone together to do the invason objectives as a duo chatting as we went on the back of my touring rocket, after which we parted ways and wished each other luck with our next assignments.
Not only did it give us both “added value” it actually helped us in a PVE situation because we grouped up for the elite bosses of the invasion so we could take them down, whereas if I hadn’t interacted (it didn’t have to be RP, I admit) we may well have not joined forces for the others.
i actually saw him in BFA zones a week or so afterwards in Stormsong and he started to chat to me again in /say about recognising me and we had a 10 minute catch up as I gave him a lift on my rocket to somwhere he wanted to go (he didn’t have pathfinder unlocked in BFA) which was really nice and cool.
Agree with the sharding approach for other non-rp servers. It would actually help the rp servers as people not interested in rp who don’t want sharding would be discouraged from picking rp servers as they’d have options.
It makes total sense for them to make some shardless non rp servers and i wish they’d do it.
So far i’ve felt nice and snug in SL in my adventure, i’ve managed to recognise a few people more than once questing and we keep dipping into partnerships as needed and having a chat, which is lovely and brings back the old school vibes. It’s also really nice to spend time in Oribos and see trade being conducted without obnoxious booster spam (makes it feel more like a community) but the fear is this is a temporary phase which won’t last.
This is the best time for blizzard to try and claw stuff like this back, lots of us are wide eyed and in something new, so more receptive to these changes. So they should go ahead and do them imo and ignore the people complaining that SL “feels too different from BFA” because “I can’t level exactly how I want, i don’t want to quest with people i just want to power dungeons all day”.
Fantastic change imo. Feels a bit more like an RPG as a result. More work to be done but happy to see these little steps in the right direction.
They should all be shardless. Change the server cap and merge servers until it works.
This is the magic sauce of MMORPG’s. This is why MMORPG’s were invented as a genre. The fact that WoW is failing in this means that WoW is failing at heing an MMORPG. It’s a serious issue, and AD solves it. It’s as simple as removing sharding.
But what about the massive lag on launch night! We gotta have sharding.
No you don’t. Layering! It’s not a fantastic thing to have, but it’s way better than sharding.
I don’t understand why medium and small pop realms have sharding to begin with. Not having it may be an incentive for people to roll on those dead realms.
You cannot put more than X people into the same zone / in the vicinity of each other, this requires changing the fundamentals of combat (will never be done in WoW, the game will die sooner).