If you want people to BG against, LET THEM LEVEL

You completely see no point in wPVP?
You even call the pve-server the “normal” server instead of just pve-server…
To me, pvp-server are the “normal” servers and i would never waste my time playing on a pve server. Let me try to explain why.

wPVP is the main content on pvp-servers because everything else can be done on a pve-server as well. To me, wPVP is really what makes an MMORPG interesting because it’s player created content based on player to player interactions.
Alone the fact that you are never really safe has big impact on game play. You will learn to pay more attention to your surroundings, you might even level with pvp talents. The gear and all the consumables you carry around are more important because every little trick can make a difference. The better you are prepared for a gank, the harder it is for the ganker. I was in situations where i even anticipated a gank and pretended to be clueless by just pulling mobs. As soon as i pulled some mobs, the ganker showed up and tried to kill me but i ended up killing him. This whole situation made these boring quests (kill 10 of these) much more entertaining for me.

I could tell you hundreds of little open world pvp stories where i got involved during my time in classic.
Many people just play this game to develop their character (they level and then they get gear) and once their character is “finished” they quit the game because they think there is nothing else to do. To me, this idea of playing the game seems like a pve mindset and i don’t really get these types of players… The reason i want to have a strong character is that i can do better in open world pvp.

Getting killed without having a chance can happen but it’s not that big of a deal. You can respawn! Dying in wow is not that bad, you lose nothing. You have to run back to the corpse but that’s it. I don’t understand how this is something so frustrating?
Getting ganked is not griefing, it’s an invitation to play. Even if you don’t have a chance at first, the point of an MMORPG is to play with and against other players --> Get more people involved.

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This is correct

They are Blood Elves of BfA, but for flurries and not narcissistic egos.

I understand wPvP it just WoWs wPvP is absolutely aweful…it is just ganking. I play other games with a lot better wPvP where your actions have a lot bigger effect on the world. There is no incentive to participate in wPvP apart from personal gain in WoW. I referred to them as normal as that how Blizzard catagorises the server types (normal, pvp, rp and rppvp) not as any disrespect to those who prefer pvp servers. I guess cross realm communication can be used to organise large pvp events which you can’t really do on a non pvp server


You can not kill bots on PvE servers.

True but hardly engrossing pvp engagement. Got nothing against pvp servers just cannot see the point of them…now if they added in world objectives that gave your faction bonuses and advantages the I would 100% play on pvp servers but you cannot have meaningfull world objectives in WoW as its 2 factions so one side will always have the world objectives unfder there control.

Just do what they have started doing on the US servers, they are moving away in droves

I’ve waited for this for so looong :D:D
Simple solution bro…ReRoL HoRdE

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Lmao just another bad suggestion to get horde off your back, start advocating for fixes that make bg ques better for horde and theyll leave levelers alone. Simple =)

nobody get camped, you blowing it out of proportion.

Being camped right now by a group of 5 70s in Nagrand.

I disagree.


They prob bored waiting in queue :stuck_out_tongue:

Feel free to roll in pve server, right?

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No they wont.

I will attack every low level alliance and I will camp them until my queue for bg pops if blizzard refuses to put in changes that are common sense. People wanna login and play bg, make it possible. Else there will be consequences of people leaving over the time spend in queue or time spend in the GY. Also as alliance you save way more time getting easy pvp gear over the leveling hell all of you like to blow out of proportions so god damn much. As horde I got camped all the time during leveling up. Either join in asking blizzard for normal reasonable changes or stop complaining about the obvious result. You getting ganked a little less wont solve the issue. Which zone are you leveling at the moment? just asking so I can gank you later…

Hard pass, I’m dealing with my situation.

You deal with yours.

Thats definitely horde players in a nutshell on pvp realms.
Spent way too much time corpse running today on my 65 mage when groups of seemingly pre-bis geared lvl 70 horde plebs descended down to just 1 shot me and every other leveler in the area.

But hey, atleast we know horde players are so bad that it takes 3+ lvl 70s to kill a green geared leveler.

I noticed on the ironforge website that server population is starting to swift in the way of horde, for example Firemaw, previously a slightly alliance favored server, now 57 % in favor of horde, Gehennas also got a bit worse, probably other servers too… and I think this is what people predicted, with blood elves adding the pretty race to horde, so now those players can get their cute fix while also having good racials, and more pvp-oriented players on their side, which obviously helps on those pvp servers… all in all, if you’re still playing alliance on a pvp server, kudos. Me and many other alliance players got the message during P2 in classic.

Sorry, you are collateral now.

I gank people for ganking not honor.