If you want to stop raider io

So people pay to get carried in a +15 they can t do themselfs so they can get the gear that they will use for … what?To get into random +15 pugs after that?They clearly consider doing the +15 a chore/job and they just want the gear , but to what end?
I personally do m+ because i enjoy it as it gets harder and harder not for gear or score those just happen they come on their own and don t matter that much.And i`m sorry but paying for a 15 its silly , you don t need mythic raid gear you can do that with 450 ilvl

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They aren’t. They are sharing your character name and it’s gear and dungeons run and stuff. No RL information

U know u get mount from all +15, alot of guys pay gold for that just saying.

That seem’s really shady and uncool.

And even more
To a point of real money, not just token converted to gold…
Remember whats happened with Galliwix…?

It would be if it was true, but it isn’t.

Pretty illegal as well. Which is why you don’t have to worry about it. Rio and most other third-parties get their data directly from Blizzard APIs which doesn’t include anything beyond your in-game character’s public data.

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