If you want to stop raider io

Mythic+ was so much better in legion at start before rio went into the party, just saying.

Maybe it’s time Blizz turned M+ off because the playerbase can’t be reasonable or sensible.

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M+ at the start of Legion made me stop playing my priest. Overflowing was stupid as hell, one crit heal on serenity and the tank died.


m+2 is easy, for ilvl 450. so ya, its not a challenge. the challenge is getting higher when its higher than your group’s ilvl.
a group of 490 ilvl with bis corruption will be bored at m+15, so they will go to much higher. thats the challenge.

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Maybe on a 12.
I’m doing 44 on average on 20’s, and i’m the tank and it’s a low number but hey i’m no prot war so this is what we can do.

Raids aren’t complain that much because having a moron in it it’s a 5 min wipe at worst, while a moron in a key is a deplete.
It’s not how easy is to replace someone, it’s how punishing is to need to replace someone that makes the difference.

When did i ever say that the forums represent the player base? oh right.


Next time think before you just start being judgemental right off the bat.

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The solution is to force BlizzAct to stop being lazy and to start implementing a proprietary RIO system, that is actually official and fully supported by the game (something similar to the PvP system and much alike the current RIP).

I hate being forced to share my data with some obscure Russian developer (nothing against the honest Russian people, but hacking in Russia comes natural and my data is at risk).

teared up :c

I get diarrhea when I

But what you are taliking about, army of people BUYED their score for MONEY from boosters, this score is no longer relevant, and yet who are you to judge people before play with them? I get diarrhea when i see people demanding score to do trivial stuff like m15…Guys like you made this game to feel like second job, you dettered millions from game, you damaged blizzard for millions of $, because of you those boosting services flourish.

And all that based on some stupid third party score which makes you obssesed… Do you really think that people who not wish to get arsed to grind score which gonna please you, plays bad? If that score is only thing important in your life I really pitty you, I also pitty your low intelect to realize that score with boosting service around cannot be relevant…

Thats so ignorant its painful.


Your English is painful. But anyway, the Russians are famous for hacking - even the 2016 US elections. How come you never heard of this ? Just calling names around isn’t very nice.

This topic was about Blizzard implementing a similar system to Raider IO. They already have a rating system for PvP and it’s about time to have one for PvE too.

If you’re not bothered by sharing your personal data with some hidden persons, I am.

I’ve heard of it. I’ve also heard of comets but they have as little to do with hackers as this topic

It’s not your data for starters and that data is freely available. Lol Russian hax0rs. Get a grip on reality.

thx buddy. i deactivated it

So basically I never knew that my real name is shown everywhere across the internet because I didnt de-activate something on battlenet - why is Blizzard sharing my real name anyway …

hummmm… thread number 9000 of RIO :frowning: don’t like it, hate how it shows your progress or non-progress? don’t do m+ or as hundreds say… make your own group.
Let those that like to do m+ and finish (most) on time enjoy having at least some way to see if a potential pug should be invited.
Don’t hate the addon, it has done nothing to you except make what you do or did not do a bit more transparent :slight_smile: for the good of 4 other people in a m+ group :slight_smile:

I do higher mythic+ because it’s what I enjoy. I thought that’s what video games were intended for? I don’t do it for the gear, I already have it, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop playing what I find fun just becuase I’m “done” with my character progression. If anything, the fact that I have the gear means I can now to do more difficult keys that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to do.

I really don’t get your point. How are you playing this game? Are you allocating a specific amount of time just for one specific game activitiy and if you do it in a shorter time window than you have allocated, you’re done playing?

Your logic makes no sense. It’s like saying if two workers have the same task and one completes is faster, they did less work than the one who took longer. Even tho they did the exact same thing just in a different amount of time.

The faster you work, the more work you can get done.

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How can your main argument be boosting?Who in their right mid would pay money so that 4 other ppl play the game for you?Just consider this 4 ppl boost you for say 1 euro each , thats 4 euros per dungeon and there are 12 dungeons so thats 48 euros for all dungeons and that takes you to what ? 2.2 k rio?
Fifty euros for a measly 2k rio is madness when you can do that yourself in a weekend.I wouldnt pay 50 euros for a full nyalotha mythic clear .
Do anyone honestly think that there are people that would pay that amount of money for a boost in a dungeon???

Imagine trying to reinterpret the meaning of a long established phrase used by the community just to try and prove your point.

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Think? Those people exist, otherwise they wouldn’t be offering those boosts.

People pay the wow token price for 15s which translates to 20€. A mythic N’zoth boosts go for upwards of 2M gold. So yes, people do pay that much for boosts. However, people don’t buy the boosts to gain score, but for gear/mounts.

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