If You Were An NPC šŸ’¬

i would like to be Hogger or someone serving same purpose.

Shammoz would be actually in two places at once. Outside Shrine of Storms and Underrot shouting ā€œDONā€™T DO IT! Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!!ā€


I want this as a title now :two_hearts: :rofl:


In a bar in ogrimar teaching people orc-fu. Which consists of getting blackout drunk and smashing people and things as hard as you can.

It would would be a quest to drink 3 beers. Once youā€™re smashed, you fight some vaguely human looking blobs. Cut to black and come back to a destroyed bar. Congrats you are an orc-fu master


Paxmillian would be an NPC located in the High Tinkatory of Mechagon which only Mechagnomes can access. His arrival would coincidence with the addition of special acheivements granted when you level a mechagnome to maximum level of a specific class (for example, one for a 120 hunter, one for a 120 lockā€¦), or when you do stuff as a mechagnome (like killing at least one of each enemy race).

Heā€™d sell special appearance unlocks for the Mechagnome raceā€™s arms, head and legs in exchange for gold, locked behind these achievements. Heā€™d also sell some mogs as well (like HA retints or other similar sets suitable for MGs as well as weapon mogs).

Regarding his dialogue, given heā€™s a doctor/scientist type, heā€™d probably mention something about the best way to advancing science and reaping benefits from it is to engage in some old-fashioned empirical methodology in the world, prompting you to go out and ā€œstudyā€ for him by earning these acheivements.

I mean, MGs need some special loving for our unique TMog and customisation situation, so why not make Pax the guy who brings that to life? Iā€™d be quite chuffed to have a char representing that made in his honor.


YES!! can i finish off (or get some way into it) the absolutely epic story that is SouldefĆ­ler the major stryline NPC and patch end boss?!?

huge collective scream from the forum




Souldefiler, I donā€™t think the forums can take another epic! Your last post was the longest post Iā€™ve ever seen on these forum - basically the length of the entire High Elf megathread alone! While we all were extremely impressed, I donā€™t think the forums can take so much radiant glory!


This is my old main, from back in the day. This Orc veteran would be probably sitting in the Orgrimmar or Dalaran bar reminiscing about the old days in AV, and about when he still was first pick in the line of battle.

My current main, a Troll Shaman, would be cracking jokes at his expense from the other side of the table, pushing him to tell the players about that time he ran out of ammunition in Scholomance and when he succeeded to feign death in front of an Alliance assault in Warsong Gulch.


This is really hard ā€¦ but this just came to me.

Iā€™m an achievement/mount collector probably more than anything and also love many of the landscapes, so I think I would be sitting on a bench somewhere in Stormwind, just contemplating life, until someone talks to me.

That would open a hidden achievement involving a visit to every city/town/village in the entire game with me with a small quest to do in each connected with its lore. This would be time-gated to a certain extent ā€¦ maybe one zone per week or one continent per month to give the person time to look around and see the great views and landscapes in the game. While visiting Iā€™ll spend most of my time whinging that my feet hurt or itā€™s too hot/cold or various other complaints.

When every place is visited, s/heā€™ll take me back to Stormwind, very glad to see the back of me, but will earn the title ā€˜patient companion to a complaining draeneiā€™ and the most beautiful mount that anyone can dream up.

And Iā€™ll go back to my bench and listen to the Stormwind music again.


i hope you will bug out and disappear too so you have to start all over again to make it more annoying.


I canā€™t post in this I canā€™t help myself, I loved to write 15 page essays at school (much the despair of my teacher) and I still doā€¦


Only right before the finish point and it will be some weird, non-reproducable phasing bug


Just in case anyone missed round 1 of Souldefilerā€™s epic, hereā€™s a link:

I think you promised that there was still a raid to come?

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Not sure what someone who designed their character after an NPC should say.

Considering my actual experience It should probably be a level 20 Draenei swimming at the north-eastern waters of Azuremyst Isle wondering how to get to Teldrassil.


So sorry again for replicating the idea for the thread :see_no_evil:

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Yup, iā€™m about halfway done, iā€™ve got my raid bosses worked out and their fights, pretty much done on the raid environment and right now Iā€™m working on the raid story. Iā€™ve been writing it down on a Microsoft notepad during quiet moments (such as they are right now) at work. What takes the times is going through older raids so i donā€™t blatantly plagiarize.

How sad is thatā€¦


I would be a shadow priest. Vanishing and appearing throughout the entire world and applying random buffs and debuffs to players.

Trying to farm a rare? POP curse of doom on you.

Laughs maniacally


Youā€™re making a raid patch around yourself.

Sad has no meaning here :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S: can I be an optional boss or something? Gimbalin too?

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i ll be standing in thunderbluff selling custard filled puff pastry.


Iā€™d be placed right next to Anduin as his wife!