If You Were An NPC 💬

I thought he had the hots for hotter things like…dragons?


Ppl have mentioned this, but so far all my efforts have yielded no results. He mostly just ignores my attempts at showing my interest. Sometimes he calls me hero or champion and sends me on a dangerous mission, but thats about it… I need a wingman! Maybe the i should have a talk with Genn afterall? :thinking:


I like this idea …



I would be a lawyer paladin positioned at the stormwind keep with my pally mog and a :briefcase:.

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A lawyer delivering retribution :rofl:


Be careful folks. defiance of our new kween is punished by being force fed popcorn until it literally comes out of your ears. She has popcorn and she’s not afraid to use it.


True… :popcorn: but i’ll hand out free popcorn every weekend to those in need, there cant be weekend without popcorn!


That kind of Paladin would result in a very different scene in Wrath of the Lich King.

“Arthas! The blood of your father, of your people, demands Justice! Come forth, coward, and answer for your crimes!”

**Opens Briefcase **

“Be served, fiend!”


Beloved queen. Due to recent sad tree events I am now averse to anything that requires fire to prepare. Might I trouble you for some icecream instead?


Oh dont worry, i have alot of water to extinguish any fires! But i do think my good friend Twiwuna have some good deals on ice cream, i shall arrange a deal with the travelling vulpera of the Fortune Favoured :ok_hand:


That could work… Could work. But then Arthas would just say
“Yeah yeah… Ghoul!! Come here and give this two bit Ally McBeal our answer”

Ghoul steps up and clears his throat
“Sovereign immunity , or crown immunity , is a legal doctrine whereby a sovereign or state cannot commit a legal wrong and is immune to civil suit or criminal prosecution , strictly speaking in modern texts in its own courts.”

Arthas then mockingly pierces the serve with Frostmourne and yells triumphantly “hah what dost thou have to say now varlet!! have at thee!!”


I have a Vulpera friend who gets me the best prices.

So in that light this particular character would be a NPC that spawns on specific locations selling ice cream, but not any ice cream no-no.

XP BUFF Ice cream!!!

Now this icecream can be bought with currency that can be obtained but getting 1 from playing 1 hour in game.

And lets say you play 50-15 hours you can buy the patented ice cream, enjoy the deliciousness of it, and have that buff for a week :3


What flavours do you have? Actually never mind, Ill never get that buff as I’m diabetic. All that ice cream… I’d be lying a sugary bubbling mass.

But put it on my tombstone.

“She died doing what she loved. eating Ice Cream. All hail Queen Sinaaki”

still waiting on my gif as reward of my loyalty…



Yrel’s general in her crusade.


screams Ms popcorn!!! catch me I swoon!!


All proceeds go to SouldefĂ­lers tombstone.

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You may not know this very old quest, but there is a quest when you supposed to be as NPC and give quest to passers by. But most likely yall dont know, this quest is from previous era, when things were actually interesting and devs actually worked on the content to be engaging and fun, long past those days…
Hint: its from Forsaken questline, in Hillsbrad near Arathi.

i’d be a vendor that sells rare items that only appear every now and then and i’d be in the middle of nowhere, so people would have to travel forever to get to me just to realize i’m not selling that today. Sorry, try again tomorrow? :raised_hand:

oh and i’d definitely be undead, so that I could greet everyone saying “I have exactly what you need”

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