If you won't nerf Unholy DKs - Atleast give me a surrender button

we both know the game moves in FOTM and META rerollers
whole classes CAN and DO abuse whole comps sometimes

just like in DF how DH, ret , arms warrior ruined a whole season respectfully

but its an old as time when mage and rogue are never ever bad. and get preferential treatment in pvp

Just right the eye and in the arena and press surrender.

Tbf, while I agree that Rogues, Mages and Resto Druids have always historically played 2-3 expansions ahead of their peers, I do also think that if you took Rogues/Ferals away from Mages right now (in structured PvP) that they’d be far less prevalent.

It really is kind of baffling though.

Mages are disgusting
how they thought random roots proccing wouldnt be abused

and then ice lance doing too much damage…

I do find it funny that, after deciding that we had too much CC in DF, we decided to leave Frostbite alone, give WW an AoE knockup, DKs two grips etc.

A shame that Destruction Warlocks dedicating one of three extremely important PvP talents to giving Conflag a controlled root was far too overpowered. :smirk:

Yes mages are insane right now. I have no idea why they are crying about hunters though. They are such big liars. If I see a mage I wont bother to fight back because I know they beat me hard, i’ll just stay afk while they kill me.

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DK always had 2 grips, even in DF
its just easier to talent into now

but yeah i agree, these little micro CC things and roots, they need to go

Is what I meant, yeah. Same with Warriors and Shockwave, they made them more readily accessible and you give up less to pick them up.

A Hunter having trouble with Mage? Impressive.

Here is how you counter the 3 mage speccs:

  • Frost Mage: Use 1 of your many hunter tools to get away from the big ball of ice.
  • Arcane Mage: Dont let the mage cast.
  • Fire Mage: Dont worry, Blizzard already countered them for you. If you are lucky you might notice your health bar move down to 99% but that requires combustion.

MM hunters have superior range, so you can also beat the mage by staying at max range at all times.

Stop cry and play what u like.
Dk got nerfed twice this season.
I playing ret, cause I enjoy class, not “oh no hunters got so much saves, blah, blah.
No reason to nerf dk more.

I think the problem I have with both UHDK and Frost Mage is that they both have insane control and somehow is the highest damage specc too.

Frost Mage should have less damage as a tradeoff for the control while Fire Mage should be the highest damage Mage Specc.

Unholy DKs currently have one of the strongest burst openers in Arena. You can easily delete someone in a few globals. You shouldnt have that much burst with the survivability and control of the UHDK. Atleast Rogue and Mage are squishy beyond the defensive CDs.

i agree with your points here
but i want to add something

UHDK burst is due to overlapping its DOT pressure and Minion pressure
id prefer if it was more telegraphed into a physical attack and the trade off being less into minions

but it would require a WHOLE rework

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Practice and you will get it bro. Good luck

Unholy is unrepresentative on top 100 of the ladder. Did you watched AWC. Pro played Unholy and it still sucked hard against feral, rogue and casters.

Income tax from the top 100 richest Americans yields no returns so we should remove the income tax all together.

  • Fallacy: The top 100 does not represent the average of the total population, and the average for a large enough population tends to the truth due to the law of large numbers.

Johnny stole 2 apples, but Peter and Kyle stole 10 apples, so Johnny’s 2 apples doesnt even matter in the big picture.

  • Fallacy: Someone and/or something is not justified as morally right just because there are other instances of worse morally wrong actions.

Finally. UHDK is a counter play. If the majority of opponents are mages, rogues and feral druids, then it is understandable why UHDK didnt do well in the AWC. The problem with UHDK is that it acts as a gatekeeper for the lesser mobile casters, and historically speaking, casters have had trouble in arena due to melee dominance, so lets not continue this trend.

issue is you can’t do much dmg if you soley focus on countering, specially now with allthe new talents that buff up ams, also their riders can cast ams too. Which prevents appliations of harmful effects, roots and slows included.

I think ur just bad

What an impressive counter argument. You truly have mastered the art of debate.

You are litteraly playing hunter and saying UHDK deserved a nerf. Get a life bro.

Your examples are invalid. This is a virtual game and not a real life. People here comes to escape from the harsh reality. Let people enjoy specs. Don’t be a Blizzard PvP balance team shill, which is obvious they don’t how to balance the game historically and so this expansion.