If your character was an NPC, where would they be located and what would their role be? E.g. trash mob, vendor, dungeon boss, inn keeper, profession trainer etc.
Ceranity here would hang around the harbour in Dazar’alor reminding passersby to buy seals for bonus rolls before raids. She would then give terrible, garbled directions on how to reach the guy who sells seals.
I always felt like the second floor of Black Temple needs a vendor. I would probably sell certain consumables there… 
I want to be that NPC who always pull whole dungeon when hunters forget to dismiss their pet.
Saeryn would be a rarespawn that dropped a mount everyone wanted.
- But the droprate would be atrocious.
- She would have a long respawn timer.
- She would be stealthed.
- She would have many spawn locations, each time chosen at random…
- And she would have dialogue text where she called those who attacked her fools for wasting their time, then laugh when she died if the mount didn’t drop or say “Hope it was worth it” if it did drop.
Standing on beer crate at Dazal’alor terrace ,wearing dirty robes and preaching about upcoming doomsday.
Elite boss level 1000 randomly spawning and killing pandas
Pax would be an annoying questgiver who gives you one of those “use the ingredients i ask” quests when making an alchemical concoction, except there would be like 30 different ingredients to pick from in a huge room, and occasionally he’d call an ingredient out, only to change his mind a couple of secs later.
This quest would also have the audacity to only give “breadcrumb” quest exp and rewards, because upon completing it he then asks to to deliver on foot the created potion (that will expire within 10 minutes) to another base camp on the other side of the map and if you mount or fly, the potion spoils.
This NPC then sends you on a quest to deliver the bottle to him (on foot again) so as not to break it, then Pax here looks at you confused, gives you pants quest exp and gives you the bottle back and the reward is [Crystal Vial]
Face down, dead, right next to that poor scout you run over on your way to Silvermoon from the Blood Elf starting area.
One of interesting NPC of wow.
Also Bud - I am saaaaaaailing!!
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A rare spawn in the Ghostlands with an obnoxious amount of HP and damage output that roams the western coast up and down very quickly, to a point where you can’t click on me. If you somehow manage to pull me, I have a HUGE AOE ability that instantly kills all Elves in the area that activates every 2 seconds. If you somehow manage to defeat Fatugly, then congratulations, you unlock the hyperomega secret High Elf Allied Race.
Realistically, I would probably just be a Fruit Vendor in Mechagon that everyone will forget about in SL.
Random bar in ogrimar or drunk in one of those monk training squares.
My personal cannon for my orc monk is he got drunk, wandered into a monk training session, realised it made him better at smashing. So he now uses angry orc martial arts, which is monk style with more shouting and smashing
Uruk would be a neutral/friendly elite boss NPC roaming the roads from Western to Eastern Plaguelands.
Venda could be the wife of someone important in Eversong Woods, but who I have no idea. But certainly I will be a friendly rare elite due to my looks!
Depends on which character. But if we are talking about our profile characters, I guess Kaifana would be a Darnassian Refugee at Stormwind. If your health is low she can give you a free heal.
Her Quotes would be:
- Ishnu Alah
- Elune be with you
- Teldrassil is in our hearts
- I left my mother’s picture back home. It burned along with my childhood home.
- Could you spare me some gold? I left all my gold back at Teldrassil.
- Shandris Feathermoon is like a sister to me.
- We must not resort to violence, unless needed.
- I fear Tyrande’s vengeance will turn into another Sylvanas situation. And the cycle will repeat again and again.
Either have my equipment used as the outfit of Gilnean guards, or leader of the alliance after the Borbarsa-Crazy Statue Lady revolution has passed!
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Somewhere in the Eversong woods with my dog by my side forever more.
Laryssa would be a Quest Guide placed at Stormwind entrance. She has Loremaster title and can direct you to whatever you want!
…for a fee ofc xD
Feeding demons aint cheap!
The price of souls has gone way up since Sargeras left 
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More than likely she’d be a Mogu artificer or lorewalker in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms who had recently returned from Ironforge where she had significantly refined her spellcasting abilities from the rudimentary knowledge she had before the Shattering.
Now that the Mogu repeatedly invade the Vale, she’d be out there, working with the Shado’pan, in fighting them back using their own knowledge against them.
She’d be a quest giver! Telling you to collect artifacts for her so that she may study them with the rest of the lorewalkers.
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So basically when the revolution fails you’ll be a flavour random pop in the Stockades that sometimes drops an additional blue loot that is good for like 1 class, but usually drops 61 silver and some delicious cave mold.
< Failed Revolutionary>
Some awesome ideas here guys! Let’s hope that one day we are indeed immortalised in game!
So harsh! 
Well that wouldn’t be frustrating in the slightest! Seems very annoying and appropriate for WoW!
I look forward to Ghostland lagging out constantly as it’s invaded by Alliance 40-man raid groups!
Hope they’re getting enough food, your Succubus is looking a little skinny!
More “collect X things” quests that only one person can click at a time? Noooooo!