Last night I ran Vault on an alt to finish up a transmog set, had 1 wing left so I was going to do it today after work. I just got on my PC and tried to queue up but now the ilevel requirement is 463? Was this hotfixed pushed overnight? Can’t find any info online and has kinda gimped the excitement I had for doing awakened raids tbh.
It probably was, yes. However you can reach that ilvl from world content rewards which are dropping at 480~
Maybe I am a complete dumb dumb but which content? I rarely play retail these days but was hyped for the awakened and I’m really out of touch with where I can gear outside of Emerald Dream
Start with the weekly Last Hurrah quest from the fountain in Valdrakken. This will point you to which zone is currently Awakened, as it will be on rotation. Do that for 1 piece of champion, plus some veteran along the way. All of these will upgrade well past 463.
Emerald Dream is probably not very useful until it’s Awakened week comes around. It was S3 content and we are now in S4.
Also; queue heroic dungeons. If you can’t do that, queue normal dungeons. They have been re-scaled and heroics should get you over the target ilvl easily.
TYSM! Appreciate that a lot!
You will want to either try get into a group or make your own group for Dawn of the Infinites mega dungeon mythic and you will want to play this on hard mode. The gear you get from there will be 493. Be sure to look up boss tactics from dungeon guide on wowhead. Note you can only do this dungeon on easy or hard mode once a week so be sure you speak to the NPC at the enterance and make it hard mode for ilvl 493 gear.
World boss (liskanoth) can drop lvl 499 in Thaldraszus! I got cloak ilvl 499!
Oh yeah, you can also queue timewalking dungeons this week! Should deliver the same ilvl as heroic dungeons, and there’s a weekly quest (again by the Valdrakken fountain) so that 5 of them will give you a champion track item.
Seems it was hotfixed,
Raid Finder now required item level 463 if the raid is Awakened.
WoW Hotfixes - 25 April - #82 by Kaivax
Go for black temple TW raid - it’s free gear in giga easy content where all gear scales down so unless you are a TW “twink” then it doesn’t matter what you wear (in tw difference between 510 and 420 geared chars lies mostly in “personal skill”)
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