Illidans Haram šŸ’ƒ

Oh, god. Now youā€™re going to make remove it.

khadgar has one inside of Karazhan :exploding_head:

The concubines must have a great way of life in Black Temple.
But there is a better haremā€¦ :point_up:


I agree.

You no take!


Somebody needs to tell that night elf woman to not ever change.

Keep doing you, Maiev! We love you for it!

Allianceā€™s version of Sylvanas, incoming.
(Although maybe not, considering the voice actress has said that doing Maievā€™s voice is hard for her now and has given her sore throats.)


Indeed there is. No riff raff in this one as there are standards to be met. But once youā€™re in itā€™s a gateway to a life of privilege and excellence and the best thing is no one would ever need to know youā€™re in it.

Think of it like the Illuminati, but full of laviscous ladies with reā€¦

Iā€™ve said too much.


ā€¦d acrylic nails of course! Every single one of them have to care about their beauty! :nail_care: :wink:


Den of Mortal Delights? They can take it away for all I care. It always felt random and out of place anyway and never made any sense whatsoever.

The changes to women pictures are stupid though. They were not even that revealing.

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stay safe!


Sure Blizzard already did all this 6/7 years ago, rooms changed, names changed, harems disappeared, paintings with naked women became dressed. This is why history shows human race going backwards ā€¦

They will change it. Same with the succubus. Eventhough they are known to be sexual creatures and thats fine. Stop sl*t shaming the scuccubus.


i think the succs should stay tbh, their also ingame collectable pets

Another complete failure amongst the failures that are night elves. A warden that canā€™t keep her prisoners, never catches a fugitive, and is beaten and taken prisoner by non-elite trash ghosts.


The Drea has returned! Rejoice !

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There are some who say he never left. That heā€™s just been hanging out in stealth, on a sneaky alt. But who knows.

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