Illidari after Legion?

Mine is taking the opposite approach, and killing things to keep the demon’s hunger satisfied. She’s throwing herself into the Alliance and Horde conflict even though she doesn’t care about it just to feed the demon.


Ye it is sad indeed, i love illidari and it just doesnt feel right this expansion, it is like they dont belong in the world anymore.But maybe shadowlands will have some story developement,one can only hope.

That’s an interesting approach aswell. Something that would also work I guess, in its own way.

I tend to play quite dark characters.

“Azeroth must not fall” is just one of the often repeated lines that most of the Demon Hunter NPCs say. They are basically, as someone mentioned above, the protectors of Azeroth.

Illidan, for all his bad press, and despite the ‘Betrayer’ tag, was mostly concerned with saving Azeroth at any cost. His Demon Hunters share that goal. They were all shown Illidans vision of what would happen to Azeroth, and all worlds, if the Burning Legion was not stopped. The infinite march of the Legion burning everything in it’s path.

The Burning Legion just happened to be the threat that the Demon Hunters were created to counter, but they are just as viable as a counter to any other threat, past, present or future.


Not really
The central leadership was slain, very influental Man’ari Eredar had died and Sargeras was imprisoned
But just look whats happened in the Horde after Vol’jin died or in the Alliance after Valrian’s death
Nothing, really… it wasn’t the end of the Horde, nor the Alliance
The Legion was a dragon, so to speak, great and powerful and los its head…
…not it became a Hydra
Every Annihilan warlord, every surviving Man’ari Eredar commander, every Nathrezim… now they are all without a common goal or fear to keep them together… but with all the Legion-tech, the whole arsenal, weapons, dimension-ships, and armies they had under Sargeras
Just without Him and his chosen leaders
Now they are out there… doing Elune knows what!
Plenty of reason to continnue…
And don’t forget the Demons like Matron Mother Malevolence and all the others who were forced and indoctrinated to serve the Legion and do horrible things… liberate them from their conditioning or from their masters is a noble and worhty cause


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