Illidari after Legion?

Hello, fellow Demon Hunters. Since our purpose is complete and the Legion is defeated, what do you think Blizz are going to do with us? Do you think they will make a new class story line? Write your thought and suggestions, it will be interesting to read.
I hope we get something like a story about few Illidari getting their mind taken by the demons inside of them or something, so that we would now have to hunt them down.

Stay prepared.

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I do not wish to dissapoint you, but we will be probably left over just like monks or death knights are. Lorewise without purpose. If Blizzard follows the same pattern, next expansion should come with new class around which, the lore will be situated.
We can only pray, that Blizzard will listen to players and again adds something that will enhance the class fantasy and class identity as were order halls in Legion.


You have a point. It is quite sad, as the newer classes have huge lore which can be explored. I love your helmet tho, looks familiar

Hopefully they use this golden opportunity to delete demon hunters from the game :slight_smile:

Slight sarcasm.

sorry not sorry.


( too lazy to switch chars :wink: ) Ever since BFA started I’ve been wondering why my character even bothers. I’d much rather be doing quests related to my class than some petty war. Some of the stuff was pretty interesting but alot of the quests had me going like …Do you even know who you’re talking to random Troll, Tortollan or Vulpera :sweat_smile:

We could be tracking down some of the remaining Legion commanders trying to regroup and take control now that Sargeras is gone. Bring vengeance down on what remains of the Satyr for their treachery. Putting our corrupted brothers and sisters out of their misery.

There could even be reports coming in about Void sightings, we could use The Fel Hammer to go check them out. It doesn’t have to be Burning Legion or demon related, we sacrifced for Azeroth and the Burning Legion was just the first obstacle in our path.

The Illdari could be used for so much more, hell most Order Halls are completely wasted in BFA because of that dumb war.

One could argue we had a whole expansion tailored for us but it feels bad being completely ignored in the next one(s).

I hope 9.0 gives each class more stuff to do again.


Chillin bro

that’s so true! Im a protector of Azeroth same as other Illidari and I waste my time running after some undead elf, whilst Magni and the Heart are pushed into the background.

There will be prime chance to expand on and add to the demon hunter story once its opened up to more races :wink:

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You’re going back in the box, just like us death knights.


My character has turned his Vendetta upon the Void. Nagas, Faceless Ones, Old Gods.

He sees them as the catalyst for the Legion’s creation. Everything that he could ever blame the Legion for is indirectly because of the Void.

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Mine basically seeks his purpose since Illidan and the Legion are gone. Motivation to join the Alliance is that when Tendrasil was burnt, he saw this action as no better than the Legion’s attacks. Then he gets dragged into all of the Azhara and N’Zoth tensions and etc.

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Oh hell no. Im not protector of Azeroth. I know, we do what other “heroes” do in this time but it’s all about hunting for demons or other creatures. I do nothing more than that. Just fighting. Im not join to Horde because i like, but because Illidan want to help them. They not kicked us out, so we stay. But still we waiting for… no idea what. New purpose i guess.


For those wondering (including the OP) what the purpose of the Illidari is, do or re-do the dh campaign from legion. Your primary directive is to protect Azeroth, defeating the Burning Legion was just a step. If you wanna create your own lore or whatever, feel free to do so but, nobody can complain or argue that dhs don’t have a reason to exist anymore.


I have an ideea about a dh lore: We have the Fel Hammer and to reach there we have the key granted to us by our former master ,so no others allyen can invade us from Azeroth.So i what if the legion would take vengeance upon us and would knock our ship out of the Fel hammer,guess it would land on Azeroth using the key to quickly traverse the space then Kor’vas would call all the dh to unite again,to rebuild the ship and retake Fel Hammer,what do you think?

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Mine just despise the Horde, seeing them as an extension of the Legion due to its origins and what it did in WoT.

For me Illidari means everything for i was in Kael’s army till Outland.However i followed Illidan after because i saw a bigger purpose in him then Kael and so i begined my training at Black Temple,maybe i should make a video story about me,not sure.

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My character’s goal was to protect Azeroth from the demons and any other threath, the demons were the more pressing matter as they were the biggest danger at the time, but his job isn’t finished yet. He tries to ignore the petty war between Alliance and Horde, when there are still bigger problems out there, but with the events from BfA taking the scale they did he had to do something about it… In between all that he also tries to find ways to deal with the demon inside, by learning meditation and stuff like that from Pandaren Monks, since he realized how the consequences of these powers when he saw several of his fellow DH going mad (that’s why my transmog will be like a light sided DH). Now with what Sylvannas did looks like we found our next big fish, so he still has a lot to do.


Thats true, hopefully.

Just sucks Blizzard forces you into their narrative, you just HAVE to follow their story even if you don’t want to.

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Yeah true, I wish it was possible to ignore the Alliance/Horde war for example.

Time to add Nightborne Demon Hunters to game so we get something new.