Illimited Diamond T3 without Illustrious Insight?

I was wondering if it’s possible to reach the skill required to craft the epic illimited diamonds in quality 3 without using an illustrious insight. I’m JC 100, skilled everything related to gem crafting and wear all rare profession items. Yet I’m 14 points off reaching quality 3.

So I’m only able to craft a couple of gems per week, because I have to use an illustrius insight (equals 50 Artisan’s Mettle)… That kinda sucks.

Is there any way of increasing the skill even further to reach 375 to get rid off the insight restriction?


As far as I know with T3 mats you can guarantee T3 diamonds, otherwise either Insight or Inspiration.
Also dont forget that Jeweler’s Toolset Mastery also gives a total of +40 skill when maxxed to ALL of your JC crafts.

These are my skill sources:

JC Level: 100
Equipment: 22
Jeweler’s Toolset Mastery: 40
Faceting: 45
Element: 60
T3 Mats: 94

Results in 361 total. So there’s a lack of 14.
To fill that gap I currently use the insight, because you can’t sell inspiration to customers. They want to buy a T3 diamond and not the chance to get one.
So currently I’m basically selling my Artisan’s Mettle which is bad because I need it myself for item crafting and buying stuff from the Artisan’s Consortium.

I saw there are enchantments for the equipment and some potions , but nothing related to the skill.

Ofcourse you can.

Every profession has recipes which depend on Inspiration to hit Max Rank. You just make sure they understand how inspiration works, and explain they made need to recraft to get Max Rank.

I would usually offer recrafts for free with their materials.

But if you want to guarantee a max rank for them, then charge them for that mettle, and charge them big for it, and I mean 1k per mettle. You need that Mettle for other stuff, if the customer wants to use it, they can pay for it.

You can, you ask for a base crafting price and either offer free recrafts or charge a marginal amount for “rerolls”, if you cant guarantee T3 with T3 mats then just ask for T2 because you need Inspiration anyway then.
My 2 cents: I always offer free recrafts for the stuff I make (customer brings the mats ofc), unless they wish to skip the Inspiration Casino and want me to use an Insight.

I only recently started Jewelcrafting (Neck spec, Lariat) so I didnt knew this, but I’m not suprised because Blacksmithing is the same for max ilvl stuff, I hate the forced RNG system espcecially when you are timegated hard on prof knowledge.

Sadly there are no recrafts for those gems. So they would have to buy all mats everytime… In addition it’s hard to ask for any price above 5k because in their eyes it’s a gem. No armor or weapon. Just a gem… The product doesn’t reflect the effort it took to be able to craft it :smiley:

No recrafts for gems? Without being able to guarntee T3 without Insight…great job Blizz…sheeeshhh

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So what has to be done to make Blizzard change this "sheeeshhh"y situation?

Guys? :sob: anyone?

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