Ilvl 400 weekly Gear for Alliance is Welfare

Prove me Wrong.



I dont have too I am just going to enjoy it.


I like it so it must be right

I’m looking forward for another one next week :sunglasses:


Just from looking at your posts from the old forums:
“Alliance Plebs thinking everything is Bias LULW”

Who is the crying pleb now?


I can, because I can sure as hell guarantee if it was the horde getting the Horde getting the 400ILVL gear you wouldn’t be posting about welfare gear.

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But you would be posting about horde bias if horde had the 30% buff never mind the gear.


for 10 minutes of pvp yes the reward has a very high ilvl, but keep in mind now M0 reward 370, ilvl of everything skyrocketed

Actually I’d be on my horde alt mocking the salty alliance players. The thing is I dont really invest in faction wars I just mock people for taking the game to seriously

I hate this approach. It’s like people can’t actually put forward an argument or point of view.

Shifting the burden is one of the oldest tricks in the internet argument book…

I’m not biting :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, to be fair it’s the OP that has the burden of proof here. First explain why something is, and then I can respond.

But to be fair, it’s really really really really really obvious that this is wellfare gear.

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I’m not baiting :stuck_out_tongue: OP is quite literally shifting the burden of proof because its harder to prove a negative.

Plus the whole concept of welfare gear is wrong because they said in advance they were lifting the Ilvl of all world content gear. Is 400 a bit much? Probably but that’s on blizzard for bad tuning not the alliance for the timing of it.

This week 400 ilvl is the HIGHEST standard ilvl you can get in the GAME.
let this sink in a moment for just a little time investment you are guaranteed to get an item that is the highest ilvl in the game (non titanforged)

Nothing in the game baseline is above 400ilvl this week NOTHING.

So its welfare because we get it? I don’t disagree that its a bit ridiculous but just because it happened to coincide with the alliance this time its welfare?

It is welfare gear because it takes no skill to get it nada nothing all you have to do is over the course of a week kill 25 horde.
it is really easy to do if you camp a flight path as an example.
And you get the top of the line ilvl that is possible in the game and that is on top of a bonus to Ap Gold War resources that you get from world quests by 30% 20% more then horde. And for leveling 30% more xp.

If this was something that actually MOVED around to horde i would not have a problem but this is demonstrated to not be the case with this buff and this gear.

I mean it would have been welfare for Horde if Horde did get it. How would you fix that? The only way I see it is not giving anything to both.

But anyway, this time it’s us, next time it will be you, but one thing won’t ever change: players yelling at each other for bias. And in order to keep this yelling at bay, blizzard is giving bonus one time to one, next time to the other, creating layers over layers of biasing while trying to fix things on the short run.

So the cycle of hatred will just grow. Either you make peace with this (and by you I mean us too next time Horde will ge something we don’t instead), or you get ready for things to only get worse month after month, expansion after expansion.

P. S. And no, this is not only blizzard’s fault, it’s our too.

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Oh i do think no one should have gotten gear the 30% should have been enough.

That is the THING IT DOES NOT CHANGE it has been PROVEN to not CHANGE.
unlike warfronts where we knew beforehand, that alliance would get there turn.
This right here DOES NOT CHANGE hands if it was a this week alliance get it next week horde gets it i WOULD NOT CARE at all.

But this buff has Never been horde side from when it got implemented not anywhere.

This is all about the metrics for warmode. However I will point out that horde get first bite at the warfront yet again.

The reality is that loads of horde players with warmode on had a free buff for questing.

The buff should only ever have been good for conquest and PvP however having it for any PvE activity makes for lots of PvEers crying on both sides about actually getting killed doing PvP content.

The reality is only a few hardcore PvP players would bother with Warmode if there were no buffs at all.