Ilvl even blizz doesn't get it

So preach recently had a chat with Ion on his stream and something interesting came up, and by interesting I mean absurd if they truly believe that.

The comment was that players ilvl has a minimal effect and its a skill issue with regards to scaling.

I get he means in pve but that also translates to pvp probably more so than pve.

They introduced gear scaling in 8.1 to tackle inflation gaps and still only did a half baked job on it so far.

I get players don’t want templates and want gear to be an advantage if you work for it and I agree you need that drive to get the gear to keep it moving forward.

However right now it’s abserd as noted in numerous feeds in this forum alone.

pvp should have top top bottom gear ilvl of no more than 10 to 15 at an absolute max.
Any more and games get skewed and messed up and more quot as they can’t get a good game.

I hope they address this and make sure gaps are closed in pvp to start to heal it somewhat, right now it’s a mess.


There shouldn’t be any kind of gear gap in rated arena, anything else can get stuffed but when theres rating on the line then its only fair.

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Rated should be only for cosmetics, mounts and titles. There should be 2 level pvp gear, standard for honor and 6 ilv higher conquest = pvp fixed.


Yeap. WOD did it better. :grin:

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the problem with templates is you get no choice on stats so i get that, not that we really get a choice now really but yeah.

The idea they have now to fix it is good. BUT, you need to make sure tthe gap between top and entry gear is only max 15 ilvl.

right now top pvp unranked is 200 but top pvp gear is 226. at 26 ilvl’s your do almost twice the damage and have twice the health, you don’t stand a chance, add the class balance into the mix and yeah you got what we have now which is like taking a dump into a fan, it just spreads crap everywhere ruining everything.

This has a huge negative effect on the game and ruins it. cmon this isnt hard to resolve.

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Some players don’t want templates. Others do. An important distinction.

(To be clear, I would rather have WoD-like gear with two ilvls. But not the stupidity they are doing, real WoD-like, just two tiers: honor and conquest and conquest requiring no ratings with ratings increasing your weekly cap.)


I would agree, pvp across the season on gearing needs to basically allow everyone who participates to get to the higher ilvls to balance pvp.

With ilvl scaling the gear is only useful in pvp so no reason for pve only players to moan and pvp becomes more balanced offering better games.

As per usual bliz needs to look back to be able to progress forwards.
Stop trying to reinvent the wheel and use the round one you already had!

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plus some transmogs at higher ratings and maybe a weapon at 2,1k which is 10% better than regular non rating requiring conquest one

this is where the issue lies. From 197 to 226 the power gap is huge.

They don’t want to “resolve” anything. If PvP was instantly accessible and playable by all. People may decide it’s not for them and leave.

Or get bored due to the realisation that it was skill that held them back all along. Not gear.

This is not a good business decision because after 1/2 months. These players would unsub.

Now. Make players play for 3/4 months grinding gear and rating in order to achieve end game ilvl. THEN realise they don’t want it. Now you’ve tripled your gains from the same players.

For such a simple problem that wow PvP suffers from. It has went “unchanged” for so many years. It’s clear the PvP developer(s)?? (Lol) don’t care about creating a well balance fun scene.

It’s all about maintaining subs as long as possible. Accept that and then you can play the game for what it is.

Yeah the more I think about every single one of their decisions, the more it comes back to this.

Even in their interviews where they’re like “oh we have a vision for conduit energy etc etc”… it’s bull. The real vision they have is of a bigger bonus at the end of the year for positive metrics. The man is literally a lawyer feeding you lines to try and stop you from realising you’re a commodity to them.


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