iLvL Gap in gear is fine, you are the problem :)

How is that relevant if we have same situation in pvp, if no the worse.

Because it’s out of context?


Because it’s an out of context quote, that isn’t directed towards PvP, so acting as if it is, is wrong from the get go, and the only thing you’re doing is throwing fuel on a fire for the sake of it.

However, if you listen to the whole thing that he speaks about (Which is PvE) and compare accordingly, he is actually right (As has been discussed in other forums with people even using Raidbots and Sims to prove it)


why wouldn‘t you be able to use ur pvp gear in pve? highest pvp gear is still better than heroic

First of all preach mentions pvp gear in question, second is that the ilvl gap between gear isn’t pve exclusive.
Of course he deliberately brought up pve example eventho pvp gear was mentioned, so i don’t see a reason to not count it in too. He could touch a situation from pvp standpoint, but since he didn’t elaborate on that my point still stands and he thinks that situation is same there too.
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He brought up PvE example, because Preach was speaking about his own raiding and M+ experience.

He could, but he didn’t because we have PvP Devs. (That aren’t doing their job)

No, it doesn’t, because you’re still taking a quote that’s out of context and not argued in the case of pvp. It’s not rocket science mate, Stoopz even points it out in his video that it was a PvE related quote.

And as that’s the case, you’re doing no favor to anyone by brute forcing a PvE related answer to the PvP scene, when everyone knows it cannot be compared.

Well, Ion talked about PvE… However, his answer was stupid… Because the question is majorly about PvP.
In PvE, you know from the get go… you have to do harder content to get better gear…we all know that… from vanilla if anything. So the answer was pointless for PvE, even if he was talking about PvE.
BUT : If he is telling me… me in 200ilvl against me in 220 ilvl (i say me because i mean same spec/class/talents/cove/soulbinds/lege AND skills because i’m the same person playing the 2 characters) , the “me 200ilvl” has any chance of winning , and my loss is because i lack the skills …
then… Should i first ask if Ion is ok? If he has some issues…? Should we help him somehow…??? I mean…He is not bad, he just has…“issues” …

Kidding aside, that was a PvP mostly question… and he answered a PvE answer… aaand that says much guys…

No he was talking about PvE only here. Your applying your own context. This wasn’t at all to do with PvP.

The question was on weather it’s fair that people’s ilevel is beneath a mythic raider and how much that impacts that.

Which means he’s looking comparitively to a heroic raider or a m+ player.

And yes when you compare a 218 ilevel player to a 228. The DPS is far more influenced by class / specc optimisation, gem slots talent set ups and skill.

This wasn’t about PvP in the slightest.

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Because he doesn’t play PvP he can’t make a comparison because he doesn’t even know :rofl:

The games balanced to be PvE orientated. So any balance questions you ask him will be centred around PvE.

That’s why PvP has been a joke for almost a decade now. He’s litterally just milking the PvP community at this point til they quit

The issue is he’s fine with 220 ilevel players one shotting 200 ilevel players he designed PvP this expansion to be gear dependent. It’s intentional. If you don’t like it quitting is the only option at this point


Well, there is always TBC… it has rated, gear is rating gated…BUT the way rating gated can be productive, with small steps (actually… 1 item per rank … and all off-set pieces without rating) . And ofc PvP stat.
I’ll support TBC PvP in case they get the message for 9.2 .

It is true in pve. More skilled players have better gear becasue it’s static content. If anything pvp gets harder as the season goes on. And it’s a hard season for sure, like really hard … they nerfed rating, item lvl matters a lot more, some specs are unplayable others are godlike. Skill matters a lot in pvp but god damn, it’s a rough first season.

well yes, Ion was talking about pve, because he never talks or thinks about pvp anyways.
Thing is I doubt that a 200 ilvl method player can beat me on a 227 ilvl toon on a raid dummy.
Heck lets make it more fun and just play BM hunter, pure skill, even while afk I would probably do more dmg.

It is really funny that he thinks this game is sooo hard to play for pve rotations.
Sure those players will perform better in high keys or mythic raid if they had the same gear but they also don’t push +27 keys in ilvl 200 gear

There are so many reasons why those players always get the highest gear possible, but why the heck would you give someone who is at a disadvantage already (less time, less skill, less whatever) even more of a disadvantage by making is gear sooo much lower :smiley:

For pve it is whatever because you can practice and if it is not numerical impossible to win, you will sooner or later beat the script.
Well for pvp not so much as it scales triple. vers, hp, dmg

In a vacuum, yes. In reality, not necessarily. I know lots of great players that can easily finish the max content e.g. +15s for max gear. Are they decked in 226? Nope. RNG and time restrictions make it impossible.

so basically you need skill and tons of time and the less time you have, luck. So I really don’t agree that every highly skilled player got good gear.

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yeah that link contains the same info as i wrote. Question still stands: how is gear between heroic and mythic ilvl useless in pve?

Because it will be lowest ilvl in every content besides pvp where it scales?

He responds that 1 item level is roughly 1%??
I don’t think that can be correct at all just looking at the damage output difference, 200 ilvl you wont be anywhere near the numbers a 226 ilvl can put out.

He says that from pve pov, because it is all he talks about. PvP was mentioned in that question, but as always he deliberately avoids that topic and never considers pvp in answer.
Ye it isn’t correct in pvp.

No, it won’t. It’s 6 ilvl lower than mythic (while glad weapon is = mythic raid weapon), 7 ilvls higher than heroic, the same ilvl as the upgradeable mythic+ gear when you’ve done all 15s. It’s still good enough that world first raiders and most other serious raiders will go for it during the first few weeks. Even Combatant is the same ilvl as normal raid.
You can still do every difficulty of pve content perfectly fine with full pvp gear.
I’m not defending the “new” system at all, but saying it’s useless in pve is just overdramatic.

To all the people complaining about current gearing:

A thread from Legion, by far the worst expansion considering pvp participation.

Hm… interesting. Ty for sharing.
I thought people loved Legion so much and it was so great… yet Venruki posts

And people even agreed with him:

Now we got what people asked for years ago. People still crying :grin: