iLvL Gap in gear is fine, you are the problem :)

When preach asked Ion hazzikostas about ilvl scaling curve he said that it is a skill issue.
If you think that gear ilvl gap between pvp ranks isn’t fine, sorry but it is a git gud issue :slightly_smiling_face:
You can tell that he is in touch with community.

P.S Watch full answer, it can’t be fit in 60 sec.


that’s not what he said? watch the clip you yourself are linking again.


Not a full answer since you can’t get more than 60 second clip, but he explains that it has been a case for a long time (bringing wotlk comparison) so gear ilvl gap is fine, problem is skill between players. Yes skill matters a lot no one argues with that, but can we really say that gear ilvl gaps are fine and it doesn’t affect player gameplay? I don’t think so.

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didn’t watch the vid, just the summary.
Isn’t he basically saying if you don’t have high ilvl it is because you suck at the game?
Technically true if you played from the start for every week.
Too bad for you if you started late and got gear walled.


But gearing back then was completely different story. For a reason we had two 3 HP squishes. And no it’s not the same since fresh char at 80 was around 16-18 k HP and then it turned into 35-40 k full Wrathful gear. Not from 22 k into 42 k like now.

I watched. He basically didn’t even touch PvP perspective. He is pure on PvE so for him there is no problem.


I see, then what he said is right. I mean I could do +15s in ilvl 200 gear pretty easily, so yeah.
But well that is the problem with him being a game director, he only covers the stuff that he is playing

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I personally think that achieving something in pvp should be thru skill, not gear. Yes it’s an mmorpg and and gear is one of factors, but it shouldn’t be this big of a deal. Gap between max honor and conquest gear is huge.

I agree with that, that’s why I think that his take is wrong. He brought example of numerical ilvl gap, he also compares 13 bfa ilvl to 15 sl. How can you compare 13 of current ilvl to 15 of 470+ ilvl we had back then.


that is correct. So if we want to consider the MMO aspect, that is fine. Getting stomped for a week till you catch up is ok (not a great game experience, but whatever). If you could farm catch up in bgs or by losing arenas it would be ok.
Now we need 1k+ games to get ilvl 200 gear which is so useless to compete. Can you climb? sure you can but you need to be a much better player than the rating you want to achieve. It start to equalize after 1.8k when you fully upgraded to 220 because then the gear difference is only 6 ilvl overall which is certainly manageable even though it is still a big disadvantage

I think that he is pushing some weird agenda on devs overall. If you compare how the game changed since he took over after Tom Chilton you will realize where the problem lies. Tom Chilton according to Chis Kaleiki interview was big PvP defender since he came from Ultima Online that had PvP in it. In MoP they put a lot of effort into making ladders and PvP experience as fair as possible. Legendary items - disabled (just stats), PvE gear - scaled down to lower than honor gear. Elite weapons? Turned into transmog only.

WoD? PvP gear scaled up. Trinket bonus so PvE trinkets are worthless. Legendary items didn’t work as well. Then Tom Chilton stepped down and Ion took over. Classes were redesigned and a lot of key PvP utility got removed like Grounding Totem or Tremor Totem from DPS shamans. They tried with templates but it didn’t work and from there they treat PvP worse than pet battles. Basically the only reason we have upgrades in PvP is that Ion thinks that PvP should be a good source of gear for top tier raiders that are such tryhards that will even do 300 Torghast runs a week to get 1 item upgrade. They want that agenda of PvP gear being useful in PvE and vice-versa so PvP gearing has to match PvE progression. Even “WoD gearing” thing prepared for 9.1 has only 7 ilvl difference so it’s doing M+ early season will still be a thing. What Ion does is basically making his sick ideas of perfect WoW real. He materializes what Elite Jerks thought that would be the best for WoW without considering what other players want or expect. In his eyes he sacrifices PvP players complaints for greater good but in fact no one is happy now.


Ion “boosted” Hazzikostas didn’t even pvp gear himself, even though it was the best source before mythic raiding started. Probably all of his raid actually paid for boosts or were good enough to get 220 gear pieces before raiding started, except him. He hates pvp so much that he doesn’t even get boosted over there
A raid logger that doesn’t even do other pve content. For it is clear that he is just carried through mythic raid and thats all his ingame experience, and you all wonder why he is so disconnected to reality of wow
fun times


That while before answering that 1 ilvl is only 1% increase.

I think it never crossed his mind to add all these 1%s until you are at 20%…

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At least they are returning a part of “wod pvp gear scaling” so pvers won’t abuse pvp gear anymore. We pvpers will be in a same swamp we are right now with the bonus that we won’t use our pvp gear in pve.
I don’t really care about pve and the fact that i won’t be able to use pvp gear there, but to promise pvp playerbase that you will implement wod style pvp gear scaling and only implement a part of it for the sake to stop pvers abusing pvp gear is very shameless.

:nerd_face: kekw

Even if he Said That its the truth… i have no problems to get the gear with all my characters… so its have to be a get gud issue

Actually this change is worse for pvpers than for pvers.
Pvp gear might still be best for the first 1-2 weeks of pve so they will still boost the crap out of it.
Pvpers are now at a big disadvantage if you want to pve on the other hand.
In pve you cannot catch up quickly because you are reliant on vault rng which is already time gated.
So overall a terrible change how they implement it

Just look at it this way

If 2 players of same skill,playing same class,one has 197 ilvl gear,another has 226 ilvl gear,what do you think who is going to win?


You must be a cheater then! :joy:

He was actually referring to PVE, he said nothing about PVP, he doesn’t care, they don’t care. For them would be much easier if PVP was just gone, no more balancing issue. So he didn’t said that, but the attitude is MUCH WORSE.


Same type of response to a problem


Was he not talking about pve? Do not think that comment had anything to do with pvp?

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