Ilvl not scaling past ilvl 50 when questing

My quest reward items have not been scaling past ilvl 50. I am now level 48 on my hunter and should be getting ilvl 56 item rewards from quests, but since level 45 i have only been getting ilvl 50 item rewards even though the tooltip in the quest log is saying it will be ilvl 56.

I am wondering if this is because I have not upgraded all of my heirlooms past upgrade level 3/4. I have 3 heirlooms at 3/4 (so ilvl 50) and 3 heirlooms at 4/4 (now at ilvl 56).

Are you questing in Legion content? Then you need to activate Chromie Time for that expansion, otherwise its content stops scaling at level 45 (what would formerly have been level 110)

went through the mission board and selected legion quest, maybe that is why. will try choosing chromie time. Thanks!