We get that you’re mad, but did you need to tell us that you wet yourself too?
Maybe they overlook you cause you are small. Try rolling a Kul Tiran
He has done content, relative to the time and nerve he wanted to spend. I also did only one m+ last week. That does not mean that if i got the same “reward” or non “reward” every week i would be happy about it.
Nice strawman, but thats what you are saying, not me
Not happy about what? Not getting enough loot so you can be geared up in first month of new expansion? People what want heroic level items and do heroic level of content will end up in heroic level gear at the end of the season. You are not supostu finish your gear progression in month.
he did normal mythics, that are about 20 mins a run, def not 3 hours
You get less loot for not completing M+ in time. It’s so players actually attempt to try and beat the timer.
And even moreso when doing just 2 M+ runs in 2 weeks, or even 3 per week(as the TS claims eventhough his armory does not reflect that)
If the TS wants gear, he will need to do the content; and doing 6 M+ runs is so few that expecting that you will automatically gear shows that its not about progression but all about getting those ‘1337 epixxx’.
Strawman fallacy at best.
Let me get my bag of crayons for you.
So, last week according to rough calculations I have done around 12 hours of “gear content” (content that can drop an upgrade or fills in Vault)- Raiding, M+ and Rated Pvp… This equated 6 chests by the end of the week and 3 loot drops (not mentioning if they are upgrades or not). The weekly vault had one feasible item upgrade, even though I am “not heroic geared” to a point in which I am not even “normal geared”
So where the hell do you get the notion that I want to be heroic geared within a month?
3 loot drops for 12 hours is absolutly fine pace. In past you could go weeks without getting single item.
“supposed to” my cow friend, please
It took 12 hours for me, for most players with whom I communicate it takes 14-18 hours for the same activities. We do not include WQ’s (even the world boss), Torghast, Campaign or anything that is tied to covenant or story,
I am also not sure where do you get that “in the past” - WoD, Legion and BFA would slow down to such rate only if you were over heroic geared.
Edit : You also seem to be placing CONTENT over difficulty or personal input.
I got 1H weapon in a vault for my Fury warrior. Biggest slap in a face since… well, pretty much forever.
TBC? WOTL? Vannila? Those clearly had much healthier loot desing than that insanity in BFA and Legion.
You can go and play Vanilla right now.
Both TBC and Wrath had items that were farmed with reputation/currency.
No thanks it doesnt have new content. And BC/WOTLK didnt had LFR and mythic+ so?
Do us a favour, save me the bother of checking and tell me, did you even play tbc/wotlk?
I’m always angry irl. Weird but it calms me.
Do you need a hug Dwarf? I will open my arms and you do as you wish.
Merry Christmas
Yes i did.
So, you could actually see “how many items” you can get.
BC and WOTLK, believe it or not still exist and if you put nearly as much time as you do in Shadowlands, you would be on top of your gear game (also the memery that is occurring in classic)
Hilariously enough, you also mentioned why I pointed out the last 3 expansions, but took more attention to LFR over anything (I wonder why?).
WoD, Legion and BFA were expansions in which almost all current systems were set up (barring WoD’s m0), yet you are very happy to compare bananas to apples.
He has, but for someone that has done only tourist mode of WoD, Legion and BFA, he has some mighty heavy opinions.