Im angry and pissed

Its not a quitter post or rage or hate, im just angry beacuse 3rd time in a row, vault gives u wrong gear, weekly boss doesnt drop anything. I did 6mythics in row with only anima power in it.
Where are rewards?
Is there some bugg???
Am i cursed?
Im not enjoying, whats wrong with the system??
Someone explain me?
WIll they fix it?


what do you even need gear for? You dont do raids, you dont do pvp and you dont do m+ ?


yeah how dare people not do mythic raiding and want gear , am i right ? /sarcasm off


thats not even what I said, he doesn’t do any content that needs higher gear, so why does he want it?

Something something meaningful something.


Because this is an MMORPG and gear progression is a thing

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I’m yet to get anything from a world boss :laughing:


Yeah if you can’t play all day you don’t deserve to get anything! :angry:


Not only is that on it self not so wierd, with 2 or 3 pieces the chance to get (un)lucky streaks is it quite normal even.

Oh and I do hope you are posting on an alt, or the armory is bugged, because doing 1 failed HoA run and 5 SD runs is kinda wierd…

You have a whopping 11% chance of getting nothing in 10 consecutive runs. You could easily do another 4 runs on top of your 6 and still get nothing.


Thats true, but in order to get progression you will need to do content… and the char the TS posts on clearly does not do said content in any amount that makes expecting progression in such a way a thing.

You are not supotu get gear for sake of getting gear and progression. You get gear for putting effort into the game and doing content.

Please tell me you changed your pants.


Just keep trying and you will get good gear soon enough. Also, PvP is a good way to get some of the gear you need.


This reminds me of the Zin’rokh 2-handed sword from archeology.
I must have solved hundreds of Troll finds in order to find nothing…

Ah I see, so running 6 Mythics is NOT doing content in your book? Each Mythic is 35 mins plus preparation. That is 3+ solid hours of gameplay. Obviously if you are unemployed and live at your mother’s basement you have a lot of time to spare, right?

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Did you even check his profile? All he did was some low mythic+2 run and propably bough 213 neck thats it. He havent even dont LFR and complains about not getting any loot? Like what is Blizzard supostu to do here? Mail him free gear?

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Elias, dunno who died and made you a pope, but let me clarify something.

Just because you are usually being carried in tank spec in m+, and this is your first time actually doing any non deprecated content, does not mean you are king of the world.

Edit : You do realize all of your participation is logged somewhere, right?

What? So players are not supostu be rewarded for doing no content?


Well you got the Vault, you get a 200 ilvl guaranteed for doing just one M+2. Doing the LFR 3 bosses will give you I think 187 ilvl. All this is great, can’t argue.

But during the week, you can easily run plenty of M+, or raids, with less than 20% chance to loot. That means the situation described by the OP is completely possible.

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