So, after a few days of “disabled account”, finally i am free. So what way to express my happyness, then to show you guys another pathetic alliance scum (btw, scum word is used in game also to describe alliance by our beloved horde leaders npc’s, so dont bother asking ban for this).
So our SCUM alliance pathetic kiddo, decided that he is a pro player. He is a assasin. Nothing can stand him. He is a GoD.
Ofc, Blizzard sayd in a blue post that /follow command will be disabled in wpvp and wont work, but who gives a sh… ? Right? So what if a noob shaman comes to complain that Blizzard lied? That guy pays 10x times than this shaman noob. So he deserves to use that “so called disabled” command, wich is not disabled. Good job Blizz, you try your best.
P.S. I know that multi-boxing is allowed. What i dont understand is why /follow works in wpvp, when it shouldnt. So dont bother explaining me the “reason” of multi-boxing, what-ever arguments you have, i will deny them all. Perioud. Just enjoy this pathetic screenshot and laugh.
…what the hell did I read lolz
I’m guessing its a rant about one specific multiboxer in Warmode
Cant you just corpsecamp him with a raidgroup and call it even after like an hour or so?
/follow does not work while in PVP combat. Source: me. 15x multiboxer.
You however do not necessarily need follow to PVP. It is a lot less comfortable but not impossible at all. Especially melee groups made little use of it while in combat so not much changed in that regard.
Naming & shaming however is against the rules, so you might still end up with another infraction here.
And finally, in general, posting an incoherent rage thread and throwing around insults because you are agitated by a video game is not a good way to get people on your side.
Link the blue post please.
Like i care…
I dont need people on my side. I said my point of view about this player and used the exact words used by Blizzard’s horde NPC’s to describe the alliance. I didnt added not a single “personal insult”. If the word “scum” is considered insult, then make a ticket and ask Blizzard to remove it from the “NPC’s vocabulary” , because they use it quite often when they ask me to go kill alliance “scums” . I hope that today, year 2019, opinions are not “banned”. I still belive in democracy. Do you?
I linked you in the past a lot of links,proofs,quotes,etc. For each one of them, you found a stupid reason to consider it invalid. Why should i bother myself and my time to search that blue post, so that after, you to say: “that GM was drunk when he wrote the blue post” or what-ever stupidity you find? If you really want to see it, use that marvelous tehnology called “Google” and find it yourself.
Some rules apply to you, and others don’t huh?
There isn’t one is there? No blue post where blizz is shown to lie about the functionality of /follow in wpvp.
You are calling someone a liar, you better have proof. Otherwise, looks like you are the liar.
Then it is quite hypocritical of you to be whining about supposed wrong doing by other players.
There is quite a large difference between a fictional character calling another fictional character something and you calling another player, an actual person the same. This justification is laughable, even if I actually agree that you should be able to do so. It’s not the chosen insult that is an issue. It is you feeling entitled to pass that judgement.
Again: /follow does not work while in PVP combat. However multiboxing a bunch of DKs in WPVP does not require /follow. I know… I have a bunch of DKs. So the whole premise of your angst is wrong here.
I see that I’ve actually explained all of this to you before in a previous rage thread. Considering that and the general nature of your posts, I won’t be checking this thread anymore.
Vaeyn, you are on my ignore list. Feom now on i wont even bother talking with you. I just gaved you a clue how to find that blue post. If you cant use something simple, a Google, then all i sayd about you might be true.
I complained about many reasonable things that are wrong and beside the fact that majority of players agreed in a way or another with my complains, nothing changed. So if others dont care about my complains, why should i care about their complains?
Who are you? Confucius? Do you see yourself? “A fictional npc calling another fictional npc…but you are human…bla bla” . What is wrong with this planet?
The word is used in game by Blizzard via npc’s. That means the word isnt considered as a insult. Thatswhy the npc’s dont use the F words for example, because they are considered insult. So if in Blizz eyes, the word scum is ok, then i am free to use it however i want. Ok Socrate???
In that blue post, the person who wrote it, gaved as reason why /follow doesnt work in wpvp, is because to not be used in wpvp and that they dont want people to multi-box for wpvp. Ofc, Blizzard says one thing and does another. Since last 1-2 years we got used with their mentality. Maby thatswhy they lost half of subscribers in just 6 months.
Any argument you bring, i will reject it. I dont care your opinion and arguments. The fact that Blizz allows you to play single-player in a multi-player game, means that they just desconsidered the meaning of a mmorpg. Thatswhy, majorityof self-respectable games , like EsO and GW2 dont allow it. But ofc, Blizz already lost their self-respect and dont care… : “Dont you have a phone?” …
Awesome. You would make me very happy if you would stop justifying your single-player ideology in a massively-multi-player-online-game. Bye.
P.S. : i repeat again, maby you dont understand the meaning of mmo games: MASSIVELY-MULTIPLAYER. You can understand theese 2 words?
I did look on Google, and I didn’t find a blue post where blizz lies about the functionality of /follow in wpvp. Since you know how to find it - if you can link it, that would be very helpful and could prove your point.
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