I'm done game is terrible - honest feedback

Your tips don’t jive with the reality. If it was as simple as “typing LF casual guild” in global at peak, this would be a non issue.

Yes certain classes were “memes” in vanilla and would struggle with getting spots on the roster in competitive guilds. But not in casual guilds which were running MC later on in vanillas life cycle. Most players in vanilla never saw Naxx and the hardcore raiding population was plenty small.

I don’t think this has anything to do with my own personal incompetence. I am not sure how it is possible to be incompetent at content you are gatekept out of ? Surely you must be able to try something to determine a level of competency. Gatekeeping in raids would in itself, be a none issue if blizzard has actually catered any meaningful dev time to SoD and the casual playerbase. In and of itself, if the raiding community wants to gatekeep raiding content that is not the end of the world if there is other content to do, as there was in vanilla or classic, tbc for example. In SoD there is little new content and due to the phased levelling, aside from running quests for gold to buy inflated AH greens what content is there for a casual?

In P4 this will be worse as I imagine the traditional end game vanilla casual content will be trivialised even for poorly geared players by the runes etc. However perhaps blizzard will intervene in this, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

As for whinging, yes that’s what I’m doing I suppose. I’m providing feedback for this version of the game on the official forums. I am a long time player, with an account that is older than many people’s children. For this reason I cared enough to provided candid and honest feedback to Blizzard, both in the cancel sub box and on the official forums.


Both of these points are baseless and incorrect imo.


I can’t seem to post the imgur link - apparently I’m not allowed. It’s a guild recruiting with “Guild Name” is recruiting, we are a casual raid guild, we are looking for chill members for P3 to expand out roster. We are mainly looking for healers and DPS but all levels are welcome! /w me for more information!

I’ve been logged on less than 5 minutes in the morning hours of a week day. Quit with the lying about guilds. Again, it’s just a lack of effort if you’re unable to find one.

I must agree, that the player base, that I experienced in SoD, is toxic as hell and there are many try hards.

It was impossible in P2 to get invited to a group to go gnomeregan, luckily I had friends and a casual guild, so this was also not a problem.

I can definitely agree, that the game is totally messed up. I do believe Blizzard has no more than 2 developers working on it. That is how it feels. There are so many easy changes that could be made, but nothing happens for months.

I think a user immediately notices, if something is done out of passion or simply out of greed. With SoD, phase 1 was quite nice, I had the feeling that there were several developers involved, putting out new content. With the start of phase 2, it felt more like the developers had only a week to come up with the content and phase 3 is a total catastrophy.

The original WoW classic was a masterpiece, made by passionate developers. Every detail is so well thought out. People like SoD, because it is classic + something new. This “something new” makes the old game feel somewhat new, but the changes are made so haphazardly that they brake the game. The new developers are too few and / or too inexperienced to adjust the changes to make the game work. And lately, it seems, they just stopped to care over all.


I mean lets be honest here original classic is a longshot away from being a “masterpiece”.

Classic has way too many flaws to be one.

It IS still a good game though.

Its success though is not because it was a “masterpiece” there are many other factors as to why its remembered and why it had its initial success.

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Can’t believe I’m agreeing with a human male paladin but here we are. Hope Blizzard surprises us with phase 4.


Guys please, i’m sure that no good player will ask for GS to inv you to their raids. Good players will just check logs and inv you or not, but you won’t realize why you didn’t get invited. Good players understand that GS doesn’t matter. For example, i was rank 11 on wclogs after the first week with 420GS. Still wearing a few items from phase 1 because i actually don’t care. The content is too easy for me and that’s why i dont care about minmaxing it.

It’s the bad casual players who ask for GS most of the time. Most of the time when i check the logs of somebody asking for GS, his logs are grey, green or sometimes blue (rare occasion)

For me SOD is a failed experiment. It’s just season of one shot in PvP and people treating PvE like its retail mythic raiding.


Agree with all the points OP has made

This game is the most frustrating experience iv ever encountered in a game, it’s downright awful.
Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong but it all stems from blizzard, as they are the enablers.

I wouldn’t blame the community too hard, obviously a large portion of the player base are autistic jobless wanabe streamers who choose to no life the game, but again all the systems and additional content that you’re saying “caters to them” has been added by Blizzard.

They can shove their game where the sun don’t shine, another dev team out of touch with their player base, nothing new to see here.


I laughed at this thanks, sad state of affairs, we need real role models for kids rather than unwashed gaming streamers being seen as something to aspire to.


How do you guys even function in real life when you are so delusional to come to those takes? Are you flat earthers?

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Where was it ever advertised as being a special super-casual wow version?

Gosh this is so true :sweat_smile::rofl::rofl:

It’s boomer-mindset humour. Apparently calling someone austistic as a derogatory is still funny to them.

I work a standard 9-5, nothing fancy, and manage to keep up just fine. They’re creating problems where there is none.

Now, if they wanted to discuss how braindead some of the events are, like Incursions, I’d agree wholeheartedly. But the take that SoD isn’t casual friendly is a load of baloney.

Incursions are just retail world quests to me and the only time i did those was in BFA. Forced as a mythic raider and i hated it. I loved spamming dungeons in Legion for ap but having to spam world quests was boring.
But i found an easy solution for this, i just don’t do them :smiley:

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I don’t think it’s so much a casual vs hardcore situation but rather a generational thing.
Blizz has a hard on for zoomers and are desperately trying to get them hooked on WoW for whatever reason.
But in doing so they’re alienating the bulk of the classic player base which is made up of gen X like myself and millennials.
This whole parsing and speed running business is 100% zoomer style gaming.
Old farts don’t care about all that, we just want old school MMO mechanincs where you spend a crap ton of time working towards goals even if half the time it isn’t necessarily fun.
Newer generations are all about optimization and tearing through the content to get to the fun stuff as fast as possible.
IMO it’s a bad move from Blizz because MMOs weren’t originally designed like this and in trying to please the zoomers who will inevitably get bored and move on they’re just going to end up with a dead game.


If there are so many people who think like this, why aren’t they just playing together? Please answer this. Just goof around, play for fun. Shouldn’t be that hard.
And people saying " i don’t want a guild because i don’t want to commit to a schedule", sorry but i’m playing football in a pretty low regional league and i have training 2 times a week and a game on sundays. For WoW you only need 1 evening a week. I think it should be possible to find a guild that suits your needs. Even if you’re working shifts, that shouldn’t be a problem in a casual guild. just find one which raids during a time so you only miss when you have 1 certain shift and problem solved.

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It’s true is that, and for other expansions too. It took me a while in original BC to find the right place because I kept finding myself in either guilds that were a bit too casual (to put it polietly, closed minded would be another way) and didn’t want to learn new stuff, or they would be the kind who wanted you to raid at every available moment. Eventually I got to a place where I could quest and raid when I wanted to.

This three tier thing has always been there. Plus, did you ever try to pug TBC raids in 2007? Pfft, your only chance at seeing that content was to join from semi-raid/casual environment like I did, or join a hardcore raid guild. There was no pugging or casual for endgame, none at all, though on my realm we did form a private world channel where alts from across all guild types could group up for old raid content.

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Bro you just made another post that you aren’t able to level from 40 to 41 cause the outdoor world consantly kills you. How is there a guild that could be too casual for you?

For starters, don’t, “Bro” me if you don’t know me, for seconds, I’m fed up with your crap.

Enjoy your block.