I'm done game is terrible - honest feedback

I mean, they function enough to live a real life and look at WoW from that perspective. OP clearly identified as a casual dad gamer who loves WoW because it holds special spot from back in the day. You can share his sentiments or not, but you gotta understand that WoW SoD not having a true spot for returning vanilla players, new players who like the classic vibe and casual playerbase is a miss on Blizz’s part. You resorting to personal attacks sounds really stupid, tho. At the end of the day, these people who you judge as not good enough for real life are the ones who actual have life more than the hardcore players and probably you too

Honest question, and i know it’s a different topic for another thread, but i’m genuinely curious. How is WoW dev team so bad at making their own game? They have the data, they have 20 years of experience, solid foundation, whole Warcraft frenchise as an inspo and the budget as well! Clearly they care about the game enough, WoW remains their favorite child. Why are they then so damn bad?

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I find it really funny how in November last year, everyone was excited, social, ready to have fun and discover new things. Even some Overwatch 2 content creators i watch streamed the leveling in P1 early days and invited people to try it out.

P2 comes and everyone is bitter, toxic, gate keeping, passive-aggressive, out of touch with reality and i can smell the 10 years long addiction through the screen. There was this guy in the forums saying they are annoyed at casual players because “they were bad at the game and entitled”.The reason they were bad was because they were actually selfish and irresponsible in real life, probably didn’t take their real life jobs seriously either. That people who are hard working irl also put effort into WoW and feel responsible towards it. Therefore, not “being gud” in WoW also meant you were trash person irl lol

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Like I keep saying, SoD is merely another gap filler, an aside, a carrot on a stick in the hope that it will retain a dwindling player base and provide enough revenue to support a dying game until the next major release.

This methodology has been very successful so far.

Like many others, I gave up on retail and came back for the various flavours and incantations of classic they released and it has kept me subbed, it’s cheap and cheerful but I’m still enjoying it anyway.

No quality controls?
Wrong people being allowed to make decisions?
No real management? (they hired a cosplay stripper girl for a community manager)
Even the best employee’s with years experience need managed, if you let people do what they want with no overview on their decisions it ends up a :poop: show like SOD

Yeah, these people must take their jobs at the supermarkets serious and come home and apply that same professionalism to a cartoon game, good for them eh.

I can imagine people who have a highly stressful job, that can deal with extreme situations will want to sit down and take cartoon game time seriously

Some people pick wow up for relaxing, to unwind from the pressures of the real world…then drop it likes it hot becasue it’s…just a game.


why is there no ptr ? then all problems would have been solved??

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I’m certainly poking fun at people who take gaming serious, but I’m also being honest

I can’t take serious gamer’s serious, grown men that think playing a computer game is a real skill :smiley: jesus christ

I am well aware this is not the place to voice these opinions haha

I understand in a capitalist society money is king, doesnt matter what you do if you make money your winning, so if “pro gamers” are bringing in more money than their parents who can argue…right?

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Well I agree with you that gaming is not that important. Certainly nothing to brag about. I think it’s the retail players like this more so than classic, certainly not the casual market that’s for sure.

I certainly don’t understand the “gaming as a lifestyle” trend. I don’t understand how anyone can find meaning and achievement in “being good” at video games and spending all time playing them. They are supposed to be a hobby after all - I agree there but everyone lives life differently I guess.

I will have always fond memories of this “cartoon game” but I definetly don’t think it is for me anymore, I just want an MMO which isn’t treated as a job by the majority of players, I don’t think that exists anymore though :sweat_smile:

I think user experience comes down to class choice, and kinda pot luck whether blizzard wants the class to perform. With all the simulation technology out there it’s crazy to think some classes can be so broken or powerful compared to other.
L I think Phase 2 Gnome was an all time low. The raid was very much tailored to range and thus everyone wanted an easy run.

I found my self running OT warrior, and providing little to no DPS, people judge so much on parses, but when you’re running a PUG so much can happen which means you have to change your play style. The tank takes too many stacks, you jump in and help, you go back and check your parses and there garbage as you’re tagged as DPS.

I found all the runes/stances a little bit frustrating to be honest. Whilst I understand logs to be important I rarely saw them in Classic until the end and well you’d easily get 20-40 people on discord for raids and people were so appreciative, and can’t say I found Warlock or Paladin Healer hard to perform on logs. But as a Warrior OT, I’m having a horrid time. But I’ll do what the raid leader asks.

When I think back to Phase 1, it brought a huge sense of excitement. But there are so many things Blizzard have done in the last 2 phases which have been a real disappointment. Phase 3 nightmares were a joke at launch and if you couldn’t beat them you joined them. As people have stated all those hours you’ve spent grinding gear, making half of the items in the game redundant. The excitement of getting resistance gear only to find out you really don’t need it.

Whilst I’m a newb who still hasn’t cleared Sunken Temple, the first 6 bosses are just a little too easy. I’d much prefer harder content to work towards, but I suppose Cata will be that big shift and SOD wasn’t meant to be hard… (???) whilst I didn’t get to try the first round of Sunken Temple due to missing the first lockout, I’d sure like to try the Pre-Nerfed content.


Amen :pray:

Thats the reason why Turtle WoW Server was exploding…

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This would be casually friendly if there wasn’t a fixed schedule. Fixed schedule are the worst solution for “causual dads” because they don’t have the time to always play at the “right” time


Hey bro hows it hanging

im not the dude you where arguing with just wanted to say hello.

Idk if you misunderstood me, but the way you quoted me made it look like i said that, when in fact i was exposing the stupidity of what someone else had said on a different forum

And the same as always, low budget is why SoD is like it is.

You cant have a handful of devs assigned to 2 game modes and then expect a good product. This is why p1 was the best version of SoD, they had time to work on it.

Sadly… Blizzard seems to be amazing at killing their own games. They sacrificed Wotlk and the future of Classic for the sake of SoD and to give it time to grow. Then they fully bailed on SoD and now are “working” on Cata.

While I am waiting for Cata, idk who they are making it for. ALL the servers are dead. Most of the guilds have died in the half a year ICC farm. Sure, ppl will come back, but to what ? Dead Guilds and friends who quit ? They will jsut re-quit after a month.

They legit killed both game versions with greed. Not rly the devs fault.

BASED this low IQ crankz probably spent more time reading your post than it took you to write it great post mate 100% correct with everything said

100% agree. SOD is horrible. P3 is the worst. The game is destroyed.

Cant find group to Uldaman on the “full” server. Is it full with bots? - mostly, yes.

Or after couple hours you can find 50 lvl boosted people who have no idea where are quests and what to do. And obviously lvl 50 is too late for Uldaman.

Warrior tank is very horrible. Shaman tanks with 1 button. Rogue tanks. Cloth dude tanks. P4 make naked people tank, please.

Even with lvl 40 you must farm so loooong those elites to get Warbringer rune. And why many of key stuff placed in Alliance zones?

Many questions and no answers. Horrible disbalance. Priest can make 2 dots, go walk and do nothing. And you will just die.

STV no comments. How I will do the quests if my own NPCs attack me lol!!


you need to use GlobalIgnore to filter all those summon teleport boost services to take out spam from your chat. and you must to understand how to do it. if you are not familiar with that addon, then you gonna spam alot of messages to make people see you and obviously that goes to ignore also. vicious cycle.

yes, its 2024, and there is a big spam in the small window. and its only the one way to communicate and find group.