I'm getting annoyed

I paid for a subscription a couple of days ago before it ran out, it told me the payment was successful then just a few minutes ago, I’m logged out. I thought it was a DC but no apparently I need to pay for another month.

What the hell is this about? I’ve since gone about my business paying house bills etc Which means no money to add another subscription, I’m so annoyed right now. If there was any fault with the payment why wasn’t I told when paid I for it? Why did it tell me the payment was successful?

Contact Support to figure out what happened with the payment: https://eu.battle.net/support/en/help/product/wow/166/167/channels

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Sounds like the payment failed for some reason. Use the link above.

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Thank you for the response Saneko. I have contacted them now, just gotta wait 30 mins

Good morning Partheniá,

As the guys said, this is something you need to contact our support team about, as we’re unable to help with payment issues via the forums. I hope this issue is resolved soon.

How’s my driving? Let me know! https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Hagut

Just to clear up. I did resub as was confirmed by a GM. The problem was the money isn’t taken straight away if you resub before current sub runs out, it’s taken when the current subs ends.

So note to self, leave the money in :S

Thanks for the reply Hagut and to everyone else :slight_smile:

You can also purchase prepaid game time which will not activate automatic recurring payments and is used right away:


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Ah thank you for letting me know, never knew that. Ignorance on my part :S