Hi I’m having a few issues with my survivability on this character when I tank.
I chose the talents icy veins recommended and i see other DH tanks breezing through content and rarely being healed but when I play I constantly drop health and the healer is constantly healing me.
I use spirit bomb a lot and use elysian decree with soul cleave inbetween and razor spikes but I’m still dropping low.
currently no legendaries as I’m pretty unlucky for the one that drops in theatre of pain
Im noob tank for real and i gave up on pushing as one BUT if you are strugling with surv try to get fiery brand legendary and test fiery brand build. Dot spreading on targets with low cd and 40%dmg reduction rly helps. That hardest part is begining of pulling but jumping in with spikes and fiery brand up on first target will make it much easier for you, when fight starts and you start self heal it gets easier but you have to jump out and kite as soon as fierybrand and other def cds are done. Hope i helped at least for a bit but i hope some more expirienced players will talk too cuz as i said i gave up it was too frustrating and made me just feel bad about myself.
Looking at your profile it seems that you’re going for the “Fiery Brand and kite” playstyle.
For that, to work you need two things.
You need a Fiery Soul leggo.
You need to actually kite, which effectively makes your Abyssal Strike choice of talent useless as you should only use Infernal Strike in combat to kite away from the mobs. You should never spam it. Having Abyssal Strike encourages you to spam Infernal Strike, in which case the “Fiery Brand and kite” playstyle is impossible.
Go for Agonizing Flames instead as you’ll actually get some use out of that as using Immolation Aura will make you faster so kiting is easier. Placing a Seal where you land is effectively useless since you’ll always land too far away from the enemy for it to be useful. It’s a wasted talent in that setup. It’s only good for face-tanking, such as when you solo stuff in the world. Or when going for curb-stomping. Such as in Torgast where you literally do that with a combo of Fiery- and Frenzywing or lower level content you just want to get over with fast.