I'm in awe

Someone didn’t accept my help with the big Hoggers because they said they’re playing self found and cannot group up.

Only to see them die facing it solo.


Technically they can be helped even when not grouped up*

But yes, death parts them all too soon on Solo mode.

You can group up in self found. Just not trade, use AH or send and receive mail.


that is how it rolls, they know this so nothing to bother about, they can go again knowing to tackle it smarter next time. i prefer not too group either, even if it means dying when i hit 59 that is how it is.


They didn’t know you could group up on self found.
They thought it actually meant not being able to party up as well.


ahh then that is just unlucky… hopefully they know now lol

“If I advance, follow me. If I retreat, kill me. If I die, avenge me! It is better to live one day as a lion than one-hundred years as a sheep!” - Benito Mussolini

O7 for that guy

Funny how i dont seem to find any of those self found bros after lvl 20, only those goggled every buff in the game folks and groups of four that for some reason think its not anoying that i cant clear tough spots im ready for without them butting in, almost as anoying as spam guild invites.

It’s an MMO, what’s the point in playing solo?

You can block guild invites in UI :wink: